Finally Yours

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The room was bathed in a soft, dim light, casting a warm and intimate glow. I sat there, adorned in my wedding attire, a bride in all her glory. My heart raced with anticipation, my nerves tingling with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I was now Mrs. Armaan Chauhan, his forever.

The curtains swayed gently in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing dance of shadows and moonlight. From the balcony, I stole glances at the moon, its radiant glow illuminating the night sky. It felt like the universe was celebrating our union, casting its blessings upon us.

As I waited, every passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity. I couldn't help but think about the journey that had brought us here, the trials and tribulations we had faced, and the unwavering love that had bound us together.

I could hear the soft rustling of footsteps approaching, and my heart skipped a beat. The door opened, and there he stood, my Armaan, resplendent in his wedding attire. His eyes met mine, and I saw a reflection of my own emotions – love, anticipation, and a hint of nervousness.

Without a word, he crossed the room and came to stand beside me. The moonlight kissed his face, highlighting his features. Our eyes locked, and in that silent exchange, a world of promises was made.

He extended his hand, and I placed mine in his, our fingers intertwining like the threads of fate weaving our story. He led me to the balcony, where the moon's soft glow bathed us in its ethereal light.

Under the watchful gaze of the moon, we stood together, two souls joined in a bond as old as time. The world melted away, leaving only the two of us, lost in each other's eyes, lost in the serenade of the moonlight.

As the night unfolded, so did the chapters of our life together. And in that quiet moment, with the moon as our witness, we knew that our love story was just beginning, a story written in the stars, where each night would be a serenade, and each day a new adventure.

His hair, dark as the night, flowed effortlessly in the gentle breeze, framing his face like a portrait of a Greek god. He looked into my eyes with a tenderness that made my heart flutter. In that moment, it was as if I was falling in love with him all over again, and again, and again.

His name was etched in intricate henna patterns on my hands, a symbol of our love, a promise for eternity. The vermillion in my hair, placed there by his loving hand during the sacred rituals, signified the beginning of our journey as husband and wife.

Every detail, every gesture, every stolen glance, it all seemed like a beautiful symphony of love and destiny. It was as if the universe had taken great care to ensure that every element of this moment was perfect, just for us.

In his eyes, I saw our past, our present, and our future. I saw the struggles we had overcome, the love that had grown stronger with each challenge, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. It was a perfect blend of emotions, a fusion of two souls meant to be together.

In that serene moment on the moonlit balcony, as our fingers intertwined and our eyes locked, he broke the silence with those three sweet words."Mrs. Armaan Chauhan."

A smile played on my lips, and I replied softly, "Yes, husband of Mrs. Chauhan."

He chuckled at my response, his laughter like music in the night. His lips gently brushed against my hair, and he pulled me into a warm, loving embrace. In that cocoon of his arms, I felt safe, cherished, and complete.

With a contented sigh, he whispered, "Finally, you're mine."

As the night embraced us, he gently requested, "Khwahish, change into something more comfortable. It'll make the night easier for you."

Reluctantly, I began to move away from him to change into something more suitable for the night. However, my delicate dupatta had other plans. It got entangled in one of the buttons on his regal sherwani, forming an unexpected connection between us.

He smiled, his eyes filled with affection, and remarked, "It appears that your attire wants me to lend a helping hand."

My heart raced in anticipation as he moved closer. With delicate fingers, he first removed the intricate nath from my nose, his eyes locked onto mine. The touch was so gentle that it felt like a promise of tender care and endless affection.

Next, he carefully lifted the veil that had concealed my face,  which mirrored the love and longing I held for him. I couldn't help but blush under his gaze.

Finally, his fingers ran through my hair, setting it free from its confines. The soft caress of his touch sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire of desire within me.

In that intimate moment, I realized that this was not just about changing clothes; it was about unveiling the depths of our love and passion for each other.

My eyes couldn't help but repeatedly drift to his lips. It was as if my very being craved the sensation of his mouth on mine. Yet, my nervousness held me back, rendering me silent.However, he seemed to sense my unspoken desires. 

His smile was reassuring, a silent promise that he was entirely mine. Without any further hesitation, he leaned in and his lips met mine.

The kiss was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure and peace through my entire being. Our lips melded together as if they had been designed specifically for each other. The world around us faded into obscurity as we shared this intimate moment.

It was a kiss that spoke of love, devotion, and an unbreakable connection. In that instance, I knew that this kiss marked the beginning of our forever.

In that moment, I needed him more than ever. My desires were undeniable, and I longed to feel the warmth of his embrace. He tried to hold back, to be cautious, but my heart and body were certain.

He asked me if I was sure, and all I could manage was a simple blink. There was no doubt in my mind.

With a gentleness that only intensified my longing, he scooped me up in his strong arms, cradling me like a precious treasure. With each step he took towards our bed, it felt as if the world outside was fading away, leaving only the two of us in this intimate universe.

And as we came together, two souls united in love, I knew that this was the beginning of a beautiful journey that we would walk hand in hand, forever bound by the depths of our love.

hii guys so this is the end of this story only epilogue left

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