Loving you was a loosing game

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The following day, as the well-wishes and birthday greetings flowed towards Khwaahish, she graciously accepted each one, her smile masking the inner storm that churned within her. Beneath her composed exterior, a maelstrom of questions and conflicts raged. 

The weight of her father's decisions sat heavily on her heart, urging her to seek answers and find a resolution.

In a moment away from the crowd, Khwaahish approached her father, their gazes locking in a poignant exchange of emotions.

Khwaahish: Papa, why did you do this to me? Why did you try to keep me away from Armaan?

Her father's face bore the weight of remorse as he responded, his voice heavy with regret.

Father: My dear, I'm deeply sorry for my actions. I let my own fears and worries cloud my judgment. I believed that focusing on your studies and aspirations was the best path for you, so I reached out to Armaan and asked him not to cross paths with you at the campus. My intention was to protect you from any potential pain, but I see now that I only caused you more hurt. Please forgive me.

Khwaahish, caught between her affection for her father and the hurt that lingered, wrestled with her emotions. She needed time to process everything, to mend the fractures within her heart. She nodded, signifying her grasp of the situation, yet acknowledging that forgiveness wasn't something she could offer immediately.

Khwaahish: Papa, I need time. Time to make sense of all this, to find healing. I hope you can understand my need for that space.

Her father, his eyes filled with regret, nodded, acknowledging her need for space and reflection.

Father: Beta, take all the time you need. I will be here, waiting for your forgiveness.

With heavy hearts, they joined the others as they prepared for their journey to Kullu. 

Khwaahish, determined to shield herself from the pain, successfully ignored Armaan, keeping her distance throughout the trip. A persistent headache plagued her, Upon reaching their destination and meeting Adwait's family, Khwaahish excused herself, citing her headache as the reason

Claiming the headache as her reason, Khwaahish spent the entire day in seclusion, finding solace in the quiet solitude of her room. The thoughts and emotions that swirled within her mind and heart needed time to settle, and she embraced the tranquility, seeking clarity amidst the shadows of her inner turmoil.

After observing Khwaahish's behavior for a week following her engagement, Ridaanshi became acutely aware of the depth of Khwaahish's love for her brother. Despite her understanding of Armaan's guilt and hesitation, Ridaanshi couldn't ignore the pain her friend was enduring. Frustrated by the lack of progress, she attempted to trigger Khwaahish by mentioning Kanak when they are coming to kullu, hoping it would prompt her to confront her true feelings.

However, instead of helping, the mention of Kanak only intensified Khwaahish's suffering. Ridaanshi realized that her well-intentioned actions had backfired, causing further distress to her already wounded friend. Now, she felt an urgent need to address the situation and have an open conversation with Khwaahish.

Ridaanshi knocked on the door, and as Khwaahish opened it, her puffy eyes confirmed her emotional turmoil. Khwaahish, sensing the urgency in Ridaanshi's demeanor, pulled her inside the room, her concern growing.

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