Chapter Sixty Nine

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Chapter Sixty-Nine

I didn't have a death wish like my sister apparently seemed to have, I didn't want to die, I wanted to live a long fulfilling life but what kind of life would I have without my sister? I wanted to live and I didn't want my sister to die, it appears that those two things were sperate entities and I would have to choose one or the other, I couldn't have both.

"Harlan is dead?" Shock and incredulity filled the Head Alpha's tone as he stood up.

"Yes. I killed him." I repeated the sentence again much to Cami's disbelief. She was gasping and letting out choking noises so I turned to her to make sure she wasn't dying.

"" She was trying very hard to get the words out but it seemed like her brain and mouth were failing her.

"You killed Harlan?" The Head Alpha walked around his desk so that he was now in front of it. His wife, Rosa, remained seated as she stared at me with an emotion I couldn't recognise. I could recognise the emotion her son was feeling and displaying though and while I may have been a bit worried about that another time, now I didn't care.

"No, I did!" Cami finally managed to get her words out. "I killed him!"

"No I did!"

The Head Alpha looked at the pair of us as if we were insane and I didn't blame him, we did sound insane.

"It was self-defence, he attacked first." I quickly began to explain, ignoring Cami's protests.

"That's true but he attacked me and I killed him, my sister had nothing to do with it."

I turned to Cami and shook my head. "Stop trying to protect me Cami, you had nothing to do with this."

Cami grabbed both of my hands. "What are you doing? Stop it! I need to tell the truth, this needs to end now."

"This is the truth."

Cami let out a groan of frustration and anger and opened her mouth to talk when the Head Alpha's booming voice stopped her.


We listened to him as did everyone else in the room, no one said another word or made a sound or even moved. It was only after a minute or so when the silence in the room was becoming unbearable did the Head Alpha make the first move.

He took strong and confident steps towards us, his head held high and his eyes narrowed into slits. From his stance and facial expression it was clear to see that he was more annoyed with us than he was angry.

"Do you find this funny?" He asked as he stood directly in front of us. "Does my nephew's disappearance amuse you?"

Did he not believe us?

I guess I shouldn't be completely surprised, he probably assumed that a human could never overpower a Werewolf and kill them, never mind one from an Alpha lineage.

"No sir." Cami whispered as she bowed her head and kept her eyes on the floor. "But I am telling the truth."

"No she's no-"

"Stop." He raised his hand up. "I don't want to hear another word from you."

"But I-"

"Another word and I will kill you both right now." His tone suggested that he was not messing around so I clamped my mouth shut. I would have to discredit everything Cami said later as for now I had no choice but to remain quiet.

"Tell me everything." His words left Cami breathing shallowly and I could practically feel the nervousness and anxiousness rolling off of her.

"He used to visit the coffee shop I used to work at." Cami began her story slowly and quietly as we all listened to her intently. It was hard both watching and listening to her recount what had happened to her and what she did to protect herself.

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