Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Oh shit.

I was no longer confused about the situation, I made the connection instantly. The Alpha thought his cousin had raped me not Cami. My mind wandered back to our conversation as I desperately tried to remember every word I had said, what did I say that made him think it was me?

Sighing internally, I realised that I wasn't clear enough, I knew what I was saying and what I meant but it was evident that I hadn't be able to get across that Cami was the one it happened to and not me.

I should correct him and tell the truth, his reaction to it happening to me should be the same when he finds out it happened to Cami instead right? I couldn't quite pinpoint why I had this feeling however I knew his reaction and actions wouldn't be the same.

My conscience was screaming at me and I knew what I was going to do next was wrong, immoral, and probably disgusting to many however my options were limited and if doing this would save mine and Cami's life then I had no choice.

"I don't understand, I thought you would be angry." I was telling the truth here, I did expect to experience his wrath and anger.

The Alpha looked conflicted as if he was having an internal battle and wasn't sure what to do next. "It wasn't your fault. My cousin should have never touched you."

He didn't.

I swallowed harshly before asking my next question. "Will I be punished for this?"

The Alpha's response was immediate and urgent. "No, you will not be punished for this."

"I don't think everyone else will agree with that." Muttering bitterly I eyed his destroyed office. The whole place was a tip and I felt sorry for whoever had to restore it.

"Doesn't matter. No one will know."

My eyes snapped over to his, completely forgetting how he sometimes hates when I make eye contact with him. He wasn't going to tell anyone? He was going to keep his rapist cousin's death a secret?


I was grateful, eternally grateful but also discombobulated. Nothing he was saying made sense, nothing he did made sense and I couldn't think of any reason to explain all this. Don't get me wrong he was still very frightening but also different to what I had expected and what everyone had said about him.

Was this a trick? He was adamant on finding his cousin and getting justice for him and now he's not going to do anything to the person who he thinks is responsible for his death? Maybe he was pretending so he could gain more information from me such as who helped me and how we did it and then he would strike?

I was trying to make sense of it all, trying to figure out what it could all mean. Instead of finding answers I found pain in the form of a headache.

"I don't think I understand. Are you saying you're not going to tell anyone what happened to your cousin?" The words slid out of my mouth quickly making me sound slightly too eager.

"No one will know." The Alpha confirmed as he stared back into my eyes.

A huge wave of relief washed over me as I felt the mental weight on my shoulder lifted. A hope blossomed in my heart, there was a way out of this. Cami and I would be okay.

Though Cami and I would be okay, there was someone who wasn't- Miles. With everything that had happened it was easy to forget and overlook what had happened to Miles. His activities and behaviour may have led and slightly caused his death but that didn't mean he had to die.

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