𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟑𝟓

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Parties are loud.

Very loud.

I don’t understand how people’s heads don't pound with such loud music in such a congested area.

The house was already shaking from loud music outside, I knew it would be louder inside but this is way too much. Not only the music but everything.

There are drunk teenagers dancing in the middle- some are dancing on a table. In a corner, a group of people are chanting “drink! Drink! Drink!” as two guys chug down shots of alcohol. I’ve already spotted one or two couples in a corner doing something I did not want to witness.

I’ve never been to a party because I knew they’re loud. I only came here because Jameson asked me to and I couldn’t say no.

Another reason why I agreed to come with him is because I like spending time with him. I don’t say this out loud but hanging out with Jameson has become a part of my routine so whenever he suggests doing something together, my immediate answer is yes.

Maybe one of these days, I'll throw away my insecurities and step up to ask him to hang out. He’s always the one planning hang outs. A part of me says that he knows I struggle to voice out my wants and to be honest, Jameson is getting better and better with reading me.

“James!” a voice comes out from my left.

I turn to find Jameson bro-hugging a brunette guy. He’s an inch shorter than Jameson, his hair is darker which matches his dark brown eyes as well. He has a grin on his face and a drink in his hand.

“Glad you could make it.” he says.

“Thanks, Nate. Have you seen Ethan anywhere?”

Nate takes a sip of his drink before he replies, “yeah, he arrived 30 minutes ago. He’s probably in the lounge area.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Nate’s eyes shift towards me. He looks me up and down slowly before he grins, pointing his cup at me, “hey, you’re Jameson’s girl.”

A small smile takes over my lips as a bunch of butterflies take off in my stomach.

Jameson’s girl.

“Nice one, Gray.” Nate winks at Jameson before he turns to me again, “you have no idea how much he talks about you. We knew he had something for you from the beginning but this asshole always denied.”

I raise an eyebrow and turn to Jameson who has his lips sealed.

He clasps his hands together, “okay, we’ll get going now.” Jameson turns me around, placing his hands on my shoulder as he leads me away from the crowd.

“You had a thing for me from the beginning, Gray?” I ask in a teasing tone.

“Maybe.” he leans to whisper in my ear, “I sure as hell have a thing for you now. You’re my girl.”

The smile on my face widens.

You’re my girl.

God, when was the last thing a guy made me get chills with only 3 words.

Jameson succeeds with getting us out of the crowd- without letting anyone fall over us- into the lounge area where we find Ethan and Liv sitting together on a couch. Ethan has his arm draped over Liv while her head is resting on his shoulder, a drink in both of their hands.

“Hello, lovebirds.” At Jameson's voice, the couple looks up. Liv gives us one of her sweet wide smiles while Ethan just nods.

I swear I’ve only seen him smile freely when he’s with only the three of us or with Liv alone.

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now