𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟎𝟔

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Sophia isn't okay.

We didn't talk after our little argument last Tuesday and the atmosphere between us turned uncomfortable. I hadn't realized how much I liked messing with her. I sound insane but I miss her glares.

It hurt when I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Her words kept repeating in my head for the rest of the week, she haunted my dreams and when I opened my eyes, reality would hit.

I decided to get to school early, stop Sophia at the entrance before she entered the school, get glares from her and then apologize for being an asshole.

But the sight of her this morning made my heart ache. She was numb. She walked out of the bus with heavy eyes- it was obvious she had been crying. Her cheeks were tinted red and she walked past me without noticing me.

Even when I called her name, she didn't turn. She continued to walk inside the school without glancing back.

Something was wrong.

When I reached math class, she wasn't there. Instead of looking around the school, I took my seat and waited, glancing up whenever someone walked in.

Where is she?

I saw her coming in, she was supposed to be in class right now.

God- did she pass out? She looked like she was about to.

I drop my head between my shoulders, taking steady breaths as I bounce my leg anxiously waiting for her to come in.

And just on cue, I lift up my head and she walks in the class.

Her gaze locks with mine as she pauses by the door.

We both stare at each other, staying still in our places as if trying to communicate. She swallows before she tears her gaze away from me and walks towards her desk.

I watch her every step. My eyes don't leave as she takes her seat and puts down her bag. She doesn't look at me and damn it I want her to.

I swallow hard before I gather the courage to finally talk to her, "Good morning,"

Her head turns towards me. Gaze locked. Unspoken words travel through our eyes as we stare at each other.

"Morning," she says it like a whisper as she tears her eyes away from me.

"Are you okay?" I tilt my head, trying to read her face.

She keeps her gaze focused on the empty page of the notebook placed on her desk as she nods, "I'm okay."

She doesn't give me a smile. She never does.

Just when I think of giving her space, my eyes land on her wrist.

It's bandaged.

"What happened to your wrist?" the words leave my mouth before I even realize I've said them. My voice comes out rough.

Sophia quickly pulls the sleeves of her uniform jacket to hide the bandage, my eyes snap to her face when she says, "Nothing,"

"No shit. Why the hell is it bandaged?"

Sophia hesitates before she answers, "I accidently cut my wrist."

She's lying.

"Sophia." her name comes out soft compared to my next words, "what happened?"

She shakes her head, "nothing,"

I don't miss the crack in her voice.

Why did it affect me so much?

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now