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Aadhya's POV

"Before winding up the class I'd like to inform you that for your internals you are supposed to do a research project based on any topic from your syllabus. You will be doing it in pairs and that I will decide. The project has to come up to 12 pages minimum and 14 maximum. By tomorrow morning I want all of you to choose a topic and I will share a google sheet in which everyone confirm your topics" My entrepreneurship professor says

I patiently wait sipping my coffee while she calls out the pairs.

"Tanishk and Sheetal, Olivia and Riya, Aarav and Aadhya..."

Thank god! I have spoken to Aarav before for notes or when we sit together during classes. He's someone I can do my project with.

I look around to find him walking towards me with his things in his hand.

"Hey" He says while his dimple pops out in his cheek "thank god it was you I was so scared thinking I'd be paired up with some idiot"

We walk out of the class as I reply "God same!"

"Where are you headed?"

"Um the café, you?"

"Me too. Actually my sister is in town and I need to pick her up from the airport so I thought I'll grab something real quick from the café and then go"

As we walk towards the café, we discuss the project in detail.

"So it's set then, once the google sheets is sent I will fill it up and from tomorrow we'll start so that you get some time to spend with your sister" I confirm

"Aadhya you're an angel. What would I do with you?" He says

I smirk "I am aren't I?"

We continue talking about something silly and I laugh at his poor attempt to speak in his British accent. I'm about to open the door but instead Aarav does it

"M'lady" He says in a very weird British slang making me crack up again

"Aarav no please don't ever speak like that in front of me" I say in between my laughs

He also starts laughing "It at least made you laugh"

"Yo Aadhya!"

My attention is diverted to all my friends who are sitting in our usual spot. I wave at them

"I didn't know your friends are also here" He says weirdly eyeing them

"Hey! Don't talk like that they are really nice"

He shakes his head "Because they are your friends. They aren't exactly the friendly type"

He isn't wrong completely but not all of them are like that. Before he protests I pull him by his wrist while walking towards them

"Heyy everyone" I smile softly. Hearing my voice Reyhaan immediately looks up from his laptop. I see a smile forming on his face but within milliseconds it vanishes when he notices Aarav standing. His eyes then snap towards my hold on Aarav's hand.

His face muscles turn rigid immediately and some sort of dislike fills his eyes. Reyhaan is burning holes at my hold on Aarav, making me immediately move my hand away.

What's up with him?

He looks at me and then at him which makes Aarav uncomfortably distance himself from me with an awkward smile. I feel so bad for putting him in this situation.

"What is he doing here?" Reyhaan literally barks, making me wince. Why is he being an ass today?

I click my tongue in disapproval of his behavior before saying "Yeah So this is Aarav, we have entrepreneurship together" I introduce

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