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Aadhya's POV

I take down notes simultaneously as I listen to the professor explaining the different fabrics and other things about the textile industry.

It is Friday now around 2 noon and it is the last class for the day. The last week has been pretty easy and now a routine has been formed. Do gym before attending classes then meet Anaya and Aditi after classes or during breaks and then do assignments. 

I have also joined the dance club along with the girls. Dancing is something I have enjoyed from childhood and I went for classes to learn contemporary and kathak dance style.  Plus it would keep us all fit and we would get to do something together. 

".. make sure to complete this by the weekend. We are done for the day. Class dismissed." professor says which draws my attention towards him. I quickly note down the homework written on the board. The hall fills with noise as others make their way out.

As I write my phone screen lights up with a notification. As I finish writing, I pick my to see a message from Aditi.

Aditi: Hi. I'm going to the loo. You can go straight to your room. I'll catch you later.

Me: Cool. See you later :)

I keep my phone aside and dump my books in my backpack and pick my half filled coffee that I kept below my seat. As I walk to my room I glance at the time on my phone which shows 2:45 pm.

I start texting my brother Ahaan to remind him our weekly facetime but I'm interrupted half way when my head suddenly collides with something hard making my eyes automatically shut close.


Did I walk into the wall or something? Wait, was there a wall in front?

I collide with enough force that I bounce back a few steps and I lose balance. My eyes open wide immediately but I end up squeezing them shut at the same pace in fear of falling down. 

Oh god please don't tell me I'm gonna embarrass myself in the first week itself.

Why in the world didn't I see straight while walking? 

Suddenly I feel a pair of arms around my waist and it tugs me into that hard something which feels like a soft fabric and that wall turns out to be human. My hands land on the person's body which feels like arms which are rather muscular.

I hear a soft whisper something like shit I guess. I slowly open my eyes and all I can see is a black shirt.

Black shirt, muscular arms and strong pair hands, this has to be a HE.

I lift my head up to see that his eyes are already on me and holy shit is he even real?

His alluring hazel brown eyes with golden lines, look even more beautiful as they shine under the sunlight. He slowly blinks which gives me a chance to notice how unbelievably thick his eyelashes are and I can't help but envy them. My gaze slowly moves to the rest of his perfectly structured face.

Everything about him is perfect. His Chiseled jaws, sharp nose and his pink lusciously soft lips. And lastly of course his messed up, soft raven hair.

I take a deep breath as I wonder how he can be so-so perfect which I regret because oh my god! His heavenly cologne makes its way through my nostrils. And now I just want more.

Which I can't and I shouldn't. My cheeks redden in embarrassment as I realize how close our proximity is. I notice a few people gather around looking at us with their eyes bulging out of their sockets.

I tighten my hold on his arms and push myself away from him. When I do I notice that his jaw are clenched, and his nostrils are flared and lips are pressed into a straight line.

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