Chapter 4-Proper care

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After several days you was once again called to do the test to huggy just like before, however this time. You refuse the remote, you requested to do the same thing as you done before, of course some of the doctors are annoyed by your insistence, almost like you are wasting their time. They don't have any right to be annoyed, it is not only yours but Huggy's and many others lives at play here. They have the luxury of staying safe behind a thick wall of glass.

You however requested to take in some item with you... A unused hairbrush, to help with Huggy's messy and dirty fur. As everyone else is to cowardly to do it their damn selves and you feel Huggy might be a little merciful like the last time you was here, the doctors allowed it, saying it was your funeral by even thinking of approaching Huggy as you didn't have the nerve last time.

You thought to hell with it, he's just a child that needs help and care and you for damn sure will give it to him.

So with all the confidence you can muster and hope in your heart that this will end fine, you stood at the door waiting for the airlock seal to open up so you can enter inside. You took the next few seconds to contemplate what plan you are even trying to pull, you gain Huggy's trust and then what? There's many others that need you and you don't think you would be able to convince the upper management to assign you to test the others after Huggy.... Or can you?

You couldn't dwell on it any further as the door opens up inviting you inside, so you walked in not finding yourself nervous as before. Huggy however is the same as before, awake and alert, the same amount of fear in his eyes. His teeth are not bared and once he realized your presence he then sinks to the floor again, copying the very move you did the last time you was in this cell. He seems shaken still but he is less angry, like he has recognized your peaceful gesture from before "hi Huggy" you greeted him in the same soft spoken tone, he blinks at you and continues to say nothing... He glances at the hairbrush in your hand, he however does not recognize it as a tool to brush hair but a weapon to hurt him with. Like he has never had proper care for his fur or.... Anything, you kind of hoped the company had the proper decency of even feeding him and the many other poor experimented children. 

Huggy suddenly bares his teeth and slightly straightens up in a threatening posture, a silent threat for you to not come closer "Whoa whoa... It's ok huggy, i am not going to hurt you with this... I want to help... Remember?" you smile, your confidence slightly wavering a little as you are facing a angry huggy "Look. See?" you use the brush on your own hair to show him that its safe "no pain" you reassure, hoping he can understand what you are trying to say. "Just... Let me come closer ok? I promise nothing bad will happen" you spoke, you can practically feel many eyes on you from the doctors behind the glass... Maybe their presence is not making this any better for either of you. You thought of asking them to leave, or at least stay out of both yours and Huggy's sight but would they even listen to you?

Hou hightly doubt it... But its worth a shot.

Just like before with the remote you set the brush down on the floor and turned your back to huggy facing the glass wall, you know they can't hear your through the thick glass and reinforced steel walls. So you have tried to ask them to leave the line of sight with hand gestures, you don't know much sign language so this is all you could manage. The doctors stare at you like you have grown a 2nd head, you are basically asking them to leave a experiment unattended that may possibly escape through any means necessary. You try your very best to explain your reasoning, that perhaps making Huggy think they are gone could help him progress. Constantly being watched by your very tormenters can be hell for anyone...

The doctors talk amongst themselves, you assume they are weighing the options and maybe even benefits... So one doctor gives you a nod. They all wandered to the far back of the lab like room and proceed to stay out of Huggy's line of sight. They are able to still witness the experiment and perhaps make things 10x more easier. You see Huggy is more relaxed now, a sense of relief coming from him. The tormentors are gone in his perspective...

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