Chapter 26

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"Cora! Cora!" Will cried worriedly as he saw the girl lying on the sand as the waves lapped at her, completely unconscious as the ruins of the ship surrounded them. "Cora, can you hear me?!" he pleaded as he placed his ear near her nose. "She's not breathing!" he exclaimed as his heart also stopped.

"Get out of me way!" Barbossa snapped as he pushed Will aside and sat his daughter up as he hit on her back and water came gushing out of her mouth as she started coughing.

"I'm ok. I'm ok," she muttered as she took in deep breaths and then Will had his arms around her, his chest also rising and falling heavily out of worry.

"Just a lover? Codswallop," Barbossa growled lowly as Will glared at him. Hector ignored him of course, and then he placed a hand on Cora's shoulder. "Ye alright, me Cora?"

She nodded. "I'm ok."

"This truly is a godforsaken place," Gibbs remarked.

"I don't see Jack. I don't see anyone," Elizabeth said.

"He's here," Barbossa declared as Will helped Cora to her feet.

"You sure you're alright?" he asked again, her hand still in his.

"Yeah," she nodded. "It's not the first time I've almost drowned and it probably won't be the last."

"It is an interesting life you live, Cora Barbossa," Will joked and she gave him a small smile.

"At least my life ain't boring, Will Turner."

"Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took," Barbossa continued as they walked up behind him.

"Does that matter? We no longer have a ship. We are now trapped here, no different than Jack."

"Ye forget, Mystery Man," Cora said. "We come here, not just for Uncle Jack, but for the ship he fell with as well."

"Well, I don't see the Black Pearl anywhere, do you?" he retorted, and Cora just gave him a look.

"Since when are ye so bloody pessimistic? Didn't I tell yer that me Uncle has a thing for annoyingly impeccable timing?"

"Aye," said Tia Dalma as she stroked a white crab. "Witty Jack is closer than you think."

And then from the tall dunes before them, came the tips of the masts of a ship. The Black Pearl sailed over the sand as the sun shone down on the ship, and standing stop the yardarm was none other than Jack Sparrow as the ship sailed down the dune.

And everyone watched with open mouths as the ship slid into the sea, past the shallows and the debris of their ship.

And together they stood as they watched Jack row his way back to the shore and they all went running to him.

"It's the captain!" Gibbs cried out.

"A sight for sore eyes!" Ragetti declared.

And then they all seemed to line up as Jack greeted them one by one, but the things he said didn't really make any sense. Well, they made less sense than usual.

"I expect you're able to account for your actions, then," Jack said to Gibbs.


"There's been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? Why is that, sir?!"

"Sir, you''re in Davy Jones' Locker, cap'n," Gibbs whispered.

"I know that. I know where I am," Jack said in a way that told you he didn't. "And don't think I don't."

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