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IN Orealia's Room

Once I get a reply from her father I'm going to leave this place. I will miss it! I'm a bit sad but I can't really avoid this situation. When I got familiar with this place a bit it became trivial now I have to get used to a new place!!

"Silvy! Did father look for me?"

"No, my Lady."

So, this is how you're going to play huh! Father! I have waited enough now I will ambush him in his study tomorrow. My eyes are blazing with rage and viciousness.

In the meantime I should get my suitcase ready.

Where is my diary? Oh! There it is! Let's write about our contract and all significant details. I am a forgetful-person after all!

Jewels!! They are so pretty that I still can't stop looking at them! What a pity!! I will have to sell them later! For a person like me it is still a dream! I sometimes wonder why I have to become Orealia but then it is my misfortune that didn't leave me in this life as well! It saddened me..... this heavy feeling! What are these ambivalent feelings? I should stop! Let's just pack it all up quickly.

"Silvy, can you bring me a cup of tea?"

"Yes, my lady."

"Oh! You brought it already?
That's good."

This tea has been the only warmth I've received since I got into this world! The familiar-feeling and the recognizable aroma! I love this so much!!

"Lady, lady Orealia?"

"Huh? Oh! Silvy did you say something?"
I guess I got lost in my thoughts.

"Yes, my lady. We received a letter from the Duke Darkthorne."

He sent a letter? I hope he hasn't written something ridiculous! That man is cruel and brutally honest!

"Bring it here Silvy."

I looked at the seal which had a dragon symbol. Does their family have a history of dragons? That's so cool! I've only heard of those they might have seen one.
I opened the seal and started reading.

__Letter From Duke Callixto__

Greetings Lady Orealia

I received your letter. I am doing well and I hope the same for you. I understand your concern but do not worry as I have made all the arrangements and necessary efforts have been made to keep you safe.

I will visit you soon and we will have the remaining conversation. Please pay my regards to Duke Redcliff.

Duke Callixto V Darkthorne


What? Greetings? I am not enraged or offended. okay I am!! But how could he send such a dry-letter. And regards to father? Yes, sure! He's boiling my blood with his nonchalant attitude already!!

This man is hopeless. No woman will marry such a man! I know we don't have a serious relationship but how come he didn't show a little courtesy!
Whatever! If my life wasn't important I would have taught you a lesson! I said as I flexed my arm muscles which are strong because Orealia has been training for years now.


"Silvy, Please check with the butler if my father is in his study."

"Yes, my lady. I will make a quick run."

"Oh! Wait. Ask someone in a discreet manner. I want to surprise my father." I said with a wicked smile.

"Okay, my lady. Leave it to me." She said with a serious look on her face as she was on some spy mission.

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