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I decided to go out but the issue is I have to take permission from the Duke.
So I decided I will convince him with a sad girl look.
I know I can do it. I've faked sickness many times.


"Father, I am here."

"Lia, my daughter. Are you feeling better? Have you regained your memories?"

Lia? Oh that's Orealia's pet name that's what they call her. Not gonna lie but it's a cute name.

"No, father, I am here to ask for your permission."

"Permission for what dear?" He asked.

"I want to go out to buy some books and jewellery." I replied.

"Lia, you know I care about you. Still you are saying such things, Just send some servant and they will bring you what you want. You haven't fully recovered yet so don't worry yourself." He said with a grim expression.

"Father, I can't. I will go out this once only.
Please, father." I said with a sad look so I could convince him.
I tried my best to act like a pretty daughter who is sickly and asking for one last wish. I inhaled deeply, I knew I could do it but it is still so uncomfortable, calling someone else's father, father.

"Okay, fine take Knights with you." He sighed.

"Yes, that's fine."I nodded.
"I will take my leave."

We are finally going out. I just hope nothing bad happen. Oh, we will wear these capes! They are so pretty! I've always liked these things from novels.
It looks good on me. I will buy some good novel. Yeh! I'm thrilled.

We went to the book store.

"Silvy, how much money do we have."

"My lady, no need to worry. We have a budget that can't be shaken even if you bought a mansion." She said without flinching.

Wait, am I hearing it right! I can buy my own mansion! I am surprised. Just how much money is given to Duke's daughter.

Let's buy some good novels. I will buy four then and based on them I will buy some later.

"This one looks good. We will buy these four." I told the shopkeeper.

"Thank you for buying here." He replied.

Finally bought it. I can read some good novels now. I'm so excited to read them all. I guess it's going to be a long night since I will be reading. I chuckled in my head.

Aaaaa, I have to buy a knife, a knife. I am not confident about my skills to handle one but I need something to rely on. They only have blades and swords.
So, I don't have many options to choose from.

"Silvy, do you know, where can I buy a knife?"

"That I think Sir Knight knows about it better. Let me ask him." She ran to the knight.

"So, I asked Sir Knight and there is a shop where they buy their swords." She replied.

"That will work. Let's go there then". I said.

I entered the shop and looked around.

"Welcome, welcome customer! What do you want to buy." A middle aged man said so with a smile.

"I want a knife that is strong and light yet easy to handle. "

"Ohh, I think I have just the right thing for you lady.
Please wait here." He started looking through the shelves.

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