Chapter 14 - Lula Coca

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It grew late as they waited and Kevyn's extended family trickled home. Cruz returned without Dyne and let out a huge breath of amazement at Kevyn and Pillar's improvements. They haven't woken yet, but they were off the machines and breathing on their own.

Kevyn's parents were discussing going home for the night when Kevyn began to stir. Zen rushed over and sat on the side of his bed. Took his hand in his.

"Kevyn," Zen called. He opened his eyes, unfocused at first, and then looked back at Zen.

"Zenito," he said dreamily, pleased to see him. Zen smiled unreservedly. Kevyn coughed roughly, then asked, "What happened?"

"Do you remember?" Cruz asked from next to the bed. Kev's parents also came close.

"Jebb? Mom? Dad?" Kevyn asked, looking at each in turn. Then he looked at Pillar, still unconscious in the bed next to his. He closed his eyes in dismay. If he didn't remember before, he did now, Zen knew. "We were attacked," he said. "By some kind of smoke bomb. We couldn't breathe."

"I'll get the Doctor," Kevyn's father said and rushed out of the room.

"You should be alright now. You and your Aunt. We got the antidote," Zen said.

"We?" Kevyn asked.

"Me, and Zenneth, and Dyne," Cruz said.

"The hospital didn't have the antidote?"

"It was something new," Kevyn's mother said. "The Doctor tried everything and nothing helped. They intubated to keep you alive, but it was getting worse, and worse. I was so worried, honey."

The Doctor rushed in and checked Kevyn's vitals. Asked him how he felt. She helped him sit up and listened to his heart and lungs with her stethoscope.

"A bit lightheaded. Nauseous. Throat hurts. And chest," Kevyn answered. The Doc nodded. "Let's wait a bit longer before you move around." Then she went about checking on Pillar. "What was that about the antidote?" Kevyn asked, confused.

"Zen figured it out," Cruz explained. "When he saw what was happening to you, something clicked, and it reminded him of something an old friend said." A pause. "What were you doing, mijo?"

"I. We. There's something that's been bothering me, and me and Tia Pillar figured it out together. Some things have been bothering her for a while too, about the Capitol." He looked to Zen now. "I didn't go behind your back. Please believe me. We just stumbled across some answers and decided to check it out."

"An off-the-record excursion?" Cruz scolded.

"Yes," Kevyn answered.

"What did you find? We'll follow up," Cruz said.

"No go," Kev replied. "It's a private matter."

"My Captain is in the hospital."

"She was a civilian last night."

"Are you protecting him?" Cruz asked, indicating Zen.

"I'm keeping private matters private." Kevyn had a coughing fit. Lung rattling, deep coughs.

"That's enough," the Doctor said. "Let the guy recover. Visitation is over."

"We're keeping security just outside the doors," Cruz told Kevyn. "I'll be back tomorrow. And before you're released, we'll have to figure out if you need protection for a while."

Zen had to think about that for himself. He called his sister a little while ago to see where he stood. His parents wanted him home, but Zen was not at all sure that was the best move. Zen had no idea if he'd get unwanted visitors that way. "I'll be in Faery for a while," Zen said.

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