Chapter 10 - Bounce

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Zen pulled the thumbdrive from Rafi's computer and pocketed it, then pulled his two curved short swords from the inner lining of his light jacket. As he saw the shadows start to take the shape of something dog-like, he could see from the corner of his eye that Kevyn pulled his gun from inside his own jacket. One with a fire symbol on the side that marked it as magically enhanced. Kevyn aimed it at the shadows with both hands, in a practiced stance.

It could have been military, but Zen remembered that his cousin's side of the family designed such niche weapons. The magical enhancements would be a boon to a soldier, but an even greater one to a magical person with the affinity of the weapon. Zen's metal blades, in contrast, were only a boon to his own tribe. Middling in price, these were copper alloy sheathed in aluminum. Made for conduction.

The dark canine was as large as a mastiff, and indistinct at the edges. And when it barked, the room shook from the boom. There was no way they could make it a quiet altercation, then. Kevyn may as well use the gun. But wait, they got what they wanted, so...

"Let's get out of here," Zen said.

"Can you get to the Boogie Ball while staying armed?" Kevyn asked. Also known as a Bounce Ball, it was their exit strategy. Zen was at his best with a two handed technique, but he could make due with one sword. Before he could answer the affirmative, though, Kevyn added, "Wait, I can get it - it's in your left pocket, yeah?"

"Yeah," Zen answered, stance deepening, both swords poised for defense as the dog snarled and coiled. Green, putrid slime dribbled from its maw.

The dog sprung toward them. Kevyn went left and Zen went right. Zen pivoted, and sliced its side with one of his blades, inundating the hound with what must be 4 Amps throughout its body. It screeched in pain and scrambled to turn.

There was a large bang outside the office. Security must have just barreled through the company entrance. Kevyn glanced at the door, took two large steps, and slammed his hand where the door latched. He melted the latch to the plate, sealing the door. His other hand had the gun trained on the dog.

The dog lunged at Zen and Zen threw a sword at it, end over end, as he spun away. The sword buried itself halfway in its chest. Zen kept his hand outstretched and Amped the hilt of the sword from a distance. The dog whined again - first at the impact of the blade, and then at the second charge, landing on its side. As Zen spun away, it managed to swipe its paw deep along Zen's arm, but Zen didn't have time to focus on it. Was it dead? If it was even alive in the first place.

Kevyn fired his gun at its head, still standing by the door. The report rang through Zen, and the dog's head dispersed as if it was indeed made of smoke, and yet it was still substantial enough that the smoke caught fire, however briefly, before it was consumed. The body began to lose its solidity as well.

Zen could hear the banging on the door from the guards. Zen looked at Kevyn, wild-eyed and shell-shocked. "Better safe than sorry," he said about the shot. Then, "Boogie Ball."

Zen fished it from his pocket, one sword under his arm, as the shadowed form dissipated. Zen held out the palm-sized ball and Kevyn put his hand on top of it, over top of his own, so that they were both touching it, and put his other hand on Zen's waist, excitement in his eyes. "Let's Boogie," he said. Zen activated the Ball, breath still coming fast, and they disappeared.


They appeared again in Zen's house, in the middle of the living room. Zen, disoriented, fell on his ass. Kevyn joined him in a sit on the floor, though throwing himself down by his own choice.

Kevyn started laughing raucously, and Zen first smiled, then followed suit, delirious with exhilaration and ebbing panic. After a good minute, Zen took the thumb drive from his pocket and opened his hand to reveal it to Kevyn.

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