Thirty-Five: Bend Over

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Corvina Maxwell

It was a rush, riding with him on the highway, he bought me my own fitted helmet so he could have his and we shared Bluetooth.

My heart was fluttering with nerves as he was going 90 on a 75 mph highway, sprinkling rain falling.

My hands were under his shirt, my index feeling right over his belt where his veins began, disappearing under his jeans.

I took a deep breath, the air cold and crisp.

We got off an exit, going between valleys of trees, rain starting to pour excessively and I knew we were going to his spot.

He made me change and I had been grateful, feeling my sweatshirt soak with water.

"You cold?" I shouted.

He didn't hear me so I wrote the letters on his thigh.

He shook his head no.

I shut my eyes, he hated listening to his own music but I loved his voice, it soothing me completely so he tolerated it.

We came to a red light.

He stood, holding the bike up, his hands coming back on my knees his left hand tracing mine on my thigh.

So I traced yours on his abs and he nodded to the beat of the song.

We finally got to the spot and he helped me off, removing my helmet.

Rain was pouring, my hair starting to get soaked, curly hair and rain not a good mix but there was nothing I could do.

He removed his and he set them down, my arms moving around his waist, my head on his chest.

He hugged me back, his white shirt see through and clung to his skin when I pulled back, the ink of his tattoos peering through the cotton fabric.

He leaned down, my face in his hands as he kissed me, soft at first, but it was increasing, leaving me panting and breathless with every caress of his tongue.

I tasted him, mixed with droplets of the rain.

It was incredible, he held me up as I became jelly, one arm wrapped around my back, holding me perfect against him.

He turned me so my back was to his front, his cock hard and pressed against my ass as his hands moved to undo my jeans, then under my sweatshirt and reached to grab my tits, pinching at my nipples so softly as he kissed my neck, biting, sucking.

I leaned against him fully, my hands feeling his as he moved them along my body.

Fortunately this was a hidden area, we have to drive through forest and off-road to get here.

His hand came up the back of my neck, pushing me down so I was bent over the seat of his bike his hands gently working my jeans down as I heard the gravel move behind me, his mouth on my pussy.

I sighed, my forearms holding me up on the seat as my head fell down in front of me.

He hummed, fingers digging into my skin, anywhere he touched, the intense gripping pain a perfect contrast to the pleasure.

I took deep breaths as he tasted me, tongue moving in and out of my pussy, swirling and sucking on my clit.

He stood, slapping my ass making me groan as it was already sore from yesterday.

"This is exactly what I need." He said quietly as I heard the metal of his belt click.

"Do you not like that man?" I asked.

I turned and watching him take off his belt, blue eyes calm and heavy like he was on a high of sorts.

He was breathtaking.

He licked his hand, "not exactly," he whispered, moving it to slick himself I assume as he grabbed the back of my sweatshirt, gripping it in his fist as he pushed into me, his head fell back, the tattoos of his jaw and throat visible to me and I moaned at the fullness I felt.

His hands moved, weaving into my hair and holding my head up as he just fucked me, my knees already trembling as the sun started to set.

All I heard was our skin, my whimpers, his moans, the rain.

I chewed my lower lip, keeping silent as my eyes rolled back, my vision blurry as I felt my first orgasm already approach.

"Let me hear you, my baby. I need that voice. I need your fucking voice." He moaned and I let my mouth fall open as I pressed myself back, meeting his thrusts.

"Yes. Good girl. That's my good girl." He panted as I shouted, my body tensing, pleasure coursing through me.

No one should feel this good to me. I was so hooked.

My jaw began to shudder from the cold of the rain and the ecstasy pulsing through my veins.

He released my hair, hands moving under my sweatshirt and gripping at my sides.

"You're so good-" I moaned, heaving, his thrusts slowing, every inch being felt.

Every bone in my body ached for him. I loved his rough hands all over me, his mouth, his tongue. I loved him inside of me, his voice, his body.

I loved his mind and heart.

"I love how you take me. Every. Fucking. Inch. You do it so good, babydoll." He moaned, driving harder but still going slow, making me gasp at every hard thrust.

"Protecting me. Soothing me. Such a good baby." He cooed, super slow now.



Tears welled in my eyes when he caressed the perfect spot.

"Such a pretty little thing. My little toy. You like my cock hm?" He scratched my back and I felt myself let out a sob as he consistently caressed the most amazing spot within me.

He laughed.

My knees were about to fail me.

"Val- I- I can't stand-"

"I don't give a fuck if your knees shake, I'm not fucking done." He sneered.

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