Chapter 11: The Underworld Crisis

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"She's not on the list, my lord," A man wearing a black cloak stated as he scanned his eyes on a scroll. "Not on the living, and not on the dead."

Thanatos, the death himself glanced at his King with a bored gaze. He slowly motioned his hand to magically hide the scrolls of both the living and the dead.

The underworld is always busy.

And Thanatos is always overworked.

Every day, Thanatos had to harvest the souls of the dead and bring them to the afterlife. It's the same cycle every day, but what he hates the most is when an unforeseen issue occurs.

For example...

This new unregistered soul.

A nymph.

"Does it mean that her soul doesn't belong to this world?" Hades, the god of the underworld replied to Death.

Thanatos nodded his head.

"That could be true," he replied.

Hades tapped his pale fingers on his throne. He remained silent for a moment as he tried to assess this information.

"Strangely, we didn't notice it earlier," Hades replied.

"My lord, it's not strange because we were always stressed and overworked," Thanatos boldly replied. "Especially if we had to deal with billions of these souls."

Thanatos gave a side eye on the souls that were silently waiting for Hades' judgment. Some of them looked stressed, angry, scared, and mostly bored.

Hades couldn't help but to agree with death. It wasn't impossible to miss something if they had to deal with tons of these souls.

"I get it, I get it," Hades replied.

Thanatos nodded his head.

"So what should we do about this Nymph, My Lord?" Thanatos replied. "Shall I bring her here for an investigation?"

"Do it, I want this problem to be resolved quickly," Hades replied with a sigh. "Do you know her location?"

Thanatos became silent for a moment.

"She's with Hephaestus, Zeus's and Hera's son," Thanatos raised his eyes to his master. "I heard that Hera is looking for her too. Hermes told me that Hera fought with Zeus because of her."

Hades rolled his eyes.

"It's always Zeus and Hera," Hades cuts him off as he boredly rests his chin on his hand. "It's entertaining to watch their qualms, but I don't want to get involved with another olympian issue."

Hades stands up before pointing at Thanatos.

"However, that nymph is a different story," Hades took a deep sigh. "Bring that nymph into the underworld. Her existence could cause a great problem for us."

Thanatos bowed his head before he disappeared into thin air.

"Yes, My Lord."


Asche suddenly felt a chill as she walked on her way home.

"It's colder than usual," she mumbled to herself.

As soon as she entered the house, she suddenly saw Hephaestus who was silently waiting for her. He was sitting on a wooden chair while holding a sea shell in his hand.

Hephaestus glanced at the nymph when he heard the door creaked. He raised his brows before placing the sea shell on the table.

"Aphrodite came earlier than you," He said with a slight frown. "I told you to come back before sunset."

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