Chapter 1: The Ugliest God

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My name is Asche, I was a girl from the modern era who died and reincarnated as a nymph residing in a forest.

The world that I am now living in is inside the world of greek mythology.

It's been a year... phew.

"I wanna do something," I mumbled to myself while lying my back on the largest stone near a river. My eyes went to the other nymphs playing on the river. "I wish I could enjoy playing like that, do I look like a killjoy nymph?'

"Killjoy? That's a new word coming from you, Asche," I immediately stand up when I heard that familiar voice. A beautiful woman carrying a bow in her hands suddenly sat on the large stone beside me. "Why are you not playing with the other nymphs?"

Her name is Artemis, the goddess of the moon, goddess of the hunt, goddess of the wilderness-- just name it as long as there's a goddess on it.

My eyes can't help but stare at her beautiful silky hair that resembles the night, her crystal clear orbs were so beautiful that I can't help but to compare them to the moon.

Beauty struck was not enough to explain what I felt when I saw her.

She's gorgeous!

"I feel bored playing all day..." I pouted while playing with my hands. "I'd rather talk and listen to the rumors than play. If only there are novels and manga in this place, I won't be very bored. Sometimes, I'm afraid that I'll be cursed because of my boredness."

"Novels? My brother wrote a lot of poems and novels, you can read them if you feel bored," Artemis chuckled as she patted my head. 

I wanted to tell her that her brother's novels are amazing, but at the same time, old-fashioned. In short, it's boring, but if I told that to her, It might be the end of my career.

It's just...

The novel's from this world can't be compared to the modern novels that I read in my previous life. 

"But I've never heard of the thing that you call manga, can you explain to me what is that thing?" Artemis continued to speak.

"Manga..." I mumbled as I took a sigh. I raised my arms in the air as if I were telling her the precious existence of a thing. "An exquisite form of both art and stories. To be precise, it is a graphic novel! A story with visuals we call drawing! I really hope that it exists here." 

"A graphic novel? Sounds promising," Artemis replied with a smile. "The way you explain it to me sounds like you're provoking my brother, Apollo, to make one."

"How could I dare?! This lowly creature won't provoke the God Apollo!" I shouted with an exaggerated tone. "I'm not bold enough to do that..."

I don't wanna be cursed or something, If rumors spread and reached Apollo that I am provoking him to create 'manga'...

He might take it in the wrong way!

"You're such an adorable nymph, Asche," The goddess told me with a smile. "This is the reason why I feel fun talking with you. Worry not, my brother won't get angry at you, if he dared to touch you, he'll face me."

A pout appeared on my face before glancing at the nymphs who were playing in the river. 

"They'll feel jealous if they heard it, Goddess Artemis," I whispered to her. "Jealousy is the root of all evil, let's keep your favoritism as a secret."

The goddess suddenly laughed upon hearing those words from me.

"My, my, Everybody knows that you are favored by me, who would dare to do something evil to you?" The goddess told me before chuckling. "They'll face a bad consequence if they did."

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