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Today was not the day I had expected to get myself exiled. 

The hanging sun illuminated the morning marketplace, bathing both humans and skeletons alike in a warm, orange hue. Birds chirped in delight at the promise of day while other winged creatures' vulgar screeches overtook the alluring song in profound rage. Boots and bones clicked against cobbled streets as my head traveled back to the sealed parchment I had received earlier today.

Though the letter I grasped was nothing more than a thin piece of paper, the idle words in my hands felt exceedingly heavy. My stomach churned at the sentences scratched in ink, thoughts of inquiry at the bewildering message filling my bustling mind. 

Dear Counselor,

The Queen requests your presence at The Advisory. She will be awaiting you when the sun should reach its pinnacle at the tip of noon. 

Sincerely signed, 

Xeyn, the Advisor

I was nothing more than a trainee—what could the Queen possibly want with the lowly likes of me? Perhaps she was to congratulate me; I was the most promising one amidst my peers. 

That, or I could be persecuted. If The Advisers had unveiled the truth behind my faultless accusations—if they had discovered the truth behind my ability—everything I've worked towards could crumble to nothing more than dust beneath their feet. The thought of such destruction sent anxious shivers down my spine. 

"You look disturbed," a voice called from behind, startling me as I faced the girl who spoke. "Well hello, Pylia," I replied with a slight smile and roll of the eyes. Her presence seemed to calm me; she had that effect on most. 

"I thought you were working at your mother's booth today?" I asked, a frown pulling at her lips at the sound of her caretaker. Their relationship was complex, the reason being that the woman was not her birth mother. Pylia and I had met at an orphanage where she quickly befriended me, regardless of my shy habits and quiet personality. 

"Yes, however, Benjamin offered to take my shift while I gather resources for the Eclipse." 

I had completely forgotten about the upcoming event. It was a devastating occurrence that happened every five years, where the sun and moon overlapped, and the source of light the Golden Flower faction desperately relies on is suddenly removed. 

"I forgot about that..." I murmured as Pylia only shook her head, gently chuckling. "Of course you did." 

We began to journey through the streets, the enticing smell of fresh honey-crest bread wafting through the air. We passed through the suburban region of the nation's Capital, entering the vast area where the rich resided. We trudged past large houses that only grew in size, eventually reaching the larger mansions. It seemed as though every estate was trimmed with gold and minerals, the residents blessed with the wealth I was denied the chance at as a child. 

The paved roads winded around these dome-like structures, leading to a bridge draped with vines that overlooked the crystal waters beneath. To pass this bridge was honor—it was pride that few could indulge in. To pass this bridge was to be an Advisor. 

"Goodbye, Eralyn!" Pylia shouted from behind as I stepped on the stone overpass. She did not have this privilege. Almost instantly I was swarmed by a legion of guards, all of which had appeared out of what seemed to be thin air. 

It was one of the properties of being a light bender; illusion. One could appear to be something they are not, all through the control of light. But that was only physical. Mentally, I saw. Mentally, I controlled that light. 

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