Chapter 121

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Nina administered the cure to the infected person and glanced at Daniel, "Is that all of the infected?"

He nodded. She sighed in relief before turning to Logan, "Thank you for your help. Everyone inside is clear. I still advise wearing those masks I left with the nurse."

Logan nodded, "That is good to know."

The leader had a sour expression, probably upset that Logan had been the main focus of attention during this show. The leader was not taking this blow to his puffed up ego very well, but he simply grumbled on the sidelines.

Our audience still whispered and discussed the most recent excitement in their otherwise pretty boring daily lives. Boring, who am I to speak? I spent four months almost solely in the company of a dog while running around in a forest chasing animals.

The crowd started to break up now that it was over. Logan accompanied us to the gate, "I assume you are going to other Strongholds before returning to Ironwind?"

Nina nodded, "Yes. We are about half done, so our trip should be over in about a week."

He nodded thoughtfully, "May I join you? I have been planning to leave this place for several days and was just waiting for another traveler."

What?! Is my luck seriously this bad? Did Nicky write the words 'stray magnet' on the back of my shirt when I wasn't looking? This cannot be happening...

Nina smiled, "Certainly. We will be happy for the company."

Apparently it was happening... Yeah, let's find a total stranger and just invite him along for an entire week trip when we will mostly be packed into one truck... What a great plan! I felt like shrieking my annoyance to the sky. The lack of sleep must slowly be getting to me if I was getting this grouchy.

Nicky noticed my crabby expression and grinned at Logan, "This could be fun. Just give Trinity plenty of space until your presence grows on her like a bad fungus."

He gave her an odd look before climbing into the truck box. It was his saving grace that he chose the corner furthest from the one I usually took. He had seen us come in, so his decision was almost certainly intentional. He had a backpack that must contain everything he wanted since he didn't have to go collect anything.

I got in and resigned myself to having to tolerate another newcomer. This was reminding me more and more of our original trip to Ironwind Stronghold. Completely frustrating.

The gate opened and Daniel drove out before picking up speed as he went back to the highway. Logan looked too relaxed for someone who knew he was traveling with not just one, but two zombies.

Nina opened up the back window, "If you don't mind me asking, how do you know Trinity?"

Logan scratched the back of his neck self-consciously, "We met once for a short time."

Nina looked confused at his words and reluctance to answer her question. She glanced at me in confusion. I snorted lightly, "Remember the bear traps I brought in that one morning? Well, he was the one responsible for setting them up."

Nicky eyed up Logan speculatively as she came into the conversation, "I suppose he is also the one who made that big ass fire?"

Logan nodded slowly. Nina tentatively inquired, "Would you mind telling the entire story in more detail?"

Logan gave in and reluctantly gave a shortened version of our encounter from start to finish. Nicky looked perplexed by the end of it, "So, she snuck up behind you in the dark, insulted you after you accidentally insulted her, and then told you to clean up the mess you had made?"

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