Chapter 33

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Ben took the lead as he and Hank headed toward the nearest diesel truck. Movement caught my eye and I spotted one of the humans I had scented.

The man was lounging on the roof of the gas station. He noticed us fairly swiftly and hailed us, "Hello there!"

Ben called back, "Hello!"

Several men came out of the building, looking surprised to see us. I let Ben and Hank take the lead as I followed them. The man from the roof came over, "Wasn't expecting company, so we can't offer you any food. What are you doing all of the way out here on foot?"

"Our truck broke down. Do you mind if we check these for parts?"

The guy shrugged, "Go for it. They are useless as they are. Where are you headed?"

Ben headed toward a nearby truck, "A Stronghold that is about two days from here. Mind if I ask why you are out here?"

The guy's shoulders sagged and he sounded tired, "Our truck broke down and we haven't been able to get any working. They are all out of gas."

Hank popped the hood and leaned over the motor as Ben replied, "We have some room in the truck if you want a lift." I wasn't impressed with the thought of more human strays joining us. We had just gotten rid of the previous five.

The guy nodded happily, "That would be great. But we have different plans, put your hands in the air."

My muscles tensed as three of the men present drew guns. The guy smirked, "Don't do anything foolish or we will shoot. Hands above your head. Now!"

I gritted my teeth as I lifted my hands up with the rest of our group. Even if Daniel had been here, there was no way the two of us could take out three gunmen without the risk of someone being shot. Chances were that it would be one of our human companions. Especially with the way my luck ran.

"Good. Now walk into the gas station with us nicely."

My muscles shook lightly in my anger as my Nightstalker instincts raged against what I was being forced to do. I managed to walk with the others into the building without snarling or growling, but I was so close to it that it wasn't funny.

There were seven men present and they swiftly tied our hands up before tying our hands to hooks embedded in the wall behind us. They tied Chloe up to a desk. This room had plainly seen better days and we were clearly not the first group that this bunch of bandits had ambushed.

The first man walked along the line, taking jewelry, watches, and any valuables visible. He skipped me as I had nothing obvious. A second man was taking weapons while a third was checking pockets. The second man took my belt knife. I gritted my teeth as the third man somehow noticed the sheath straps for my sickle and removed it from its sheath.

The second man stared at the now visible weapon with side eyes, "Shit, she had that hidden under her shirt? Glad you found it. You had better check each pocket carefully." He took the weapon and dropped it inside of a filing cabinet where it banged into other metal objects already there.

My muscles were rigid in my rage as the third man carefully pulled each pocket inside out. I detested having these men touch my clothing as they ensured that I had no more surprises hidden. I gritted my teeth as my can of mace fell out of my pocket and rolled on the floor. The man tossed it to another man who also stashed it in a drawer. The rest of my pockets were empty, but he had the nerve to reach for my most valuable possession.

I jerked my head back as he reached for my sunglasses. My muscles trembled in rage as I fought to keep myself from attacking the man. The guy pointed the rifle at the others beside me, "Hold still or I will shoot them."

The Virus Within (Original rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now