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Chapter 106

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Silky skin met my palms as I glided my hands up her thighs

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Silky skin met my palms as I glided my hands up her thighs. "Spread your legs, Miss Catt."

"I c-can't..."

"Spread them, tabby cat. Now."

A shaky hand stroked through my hairline as she pushed the damp strands back from my forehead. "I've never done this before," she whispered.

Neither had I. Not like this. With such intensity pounding a dark drum within my blood. This was new to me too, how much I wanted her. Craved her. Needed her taste on my tongue. To lap between her thighs until she was rendered boneless and her sweet cries rang through the cavern.

Sliding my hands around her exquisite ass, I squeezed. "Don't make me spank you."

I hadn't forgotten her list.

Her eyes widened and intense curiosity sparkled in their sea green depth.

Obviously, she hadn't forgotten about it either.

Slowly, so slowly she edged her feet apart. A sliver was all she gave, but it was enough for what I wanted to do. It was with great restraint I gently ease her panties off, lifting one foot at a time to discard them with a toss over my shoulder. I wanted to rip them from her and revel in the shredding of fabric.

I splayed my hands around her hips. She was neatly trimmed and her pussy was the same adorable rosy hue as her blushes. Slowly leaning in, I inhaled her scent and my soft exhale was too sensitive, her body attuned to the barest of sensations. Her hips jerked away and she gave a strangled cry. "Holy hells!"

My mouth watered for the first forbidden taste. And maybe that's what made her even more desirous because I shouldn't take a bite out of her. She should be hanging from a bough out of reach, too high for me to steal.

My hands smoothed between her thighs to grip her ass and I gently nudged my shoulders to spread her legs wider. My mouth sank into the inside of each thigh, slowly, deliberately, kissing and gently biting my way upwards. Her hands fell away from my hair and she kneaded her fingers by her sides as if she was unsure of what to do with them.

Tabitha's eyelashes lowered shut.

"Eyes open, tabby cat."

"It's too much," she pleaded. "It's so...so intimate. So intense."

Two people staring into one another's eyes as they stole pleasure from one another, yes it was. The reason why I wasn't into meaningless sex. Why I'd often taken whomever I'd been fucking, from behind. But I hungered for those vulnerable eyes, her soul bared open to mine. I wanted her to share with me how I was making her feel.

"I want to see those pretty eyes of yours, Tabitha." I was fucking desperate to watch her fall apart beneath my touch.

"Okay, okay, okay," she murmured, and pried open her eyes and I was met with hesitancy and excitement and anxiousness, all pitching over one another in their endless ocean depths.

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