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Chapter 92

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My muddy sneakers squelched through puddled earth and buried fallen leaves into sludge

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My muddy sneakers squelched through puddled earth and buried fallen leaves into sludge. Misty rain coated my face and wisps of white breath streamed over my shoulder as I ran along an overgrown path that zig-zagged through the forest, minutely changing my gait to avoid jutting roots and slippery stones.

I was supposed to be focusing on my mission for Sirro and planning the hunt for the Kinslayer, but my thoughts were wholly consumed by Tabitha Catt. She was all I had been thinking about since I'd staggered dazedly out of the glassware cupboard last night, careful not to be spotted. Concealed in an alcove nearby, I'd kept watch to make sure none of her colleagues entered the small room, and ten minutes later Tabitha snuck out, her cheeks flushed and eyes a little glassy. I held my breath, wondering how she was going to react to our game. My anxious heart relaxed and a smile tugged at my mouth when she let out a radiant laugh and twirled her wooden spoon as she wandered down the hallway.

As I washed in the tiny shower, cleaning away all the fucking jizz that had stuck my briefs to my body like glue, I thought about her. I'd come not once but twice. All it had taken was for Tabitha to detonate hard, and her breathy scream vibrating against my palm forced another climax out of me. I'd come a third time in the shower, one soapy hand braced against the tiles while I jerked off recalling all the filthy whispering she'd done in her sultry voice, teasing me, kissing and nipping and sucking on my ear. And me, all that had come out of my mouth while she spun her wicked fantasy was stupid shit like fuck and hells and wait...wait. I'd moaned her name loud like a brainless idiot.

Dragging the mattress off the Princess bed, I added frilly pillows and soft teddy bears to its length to support my lower legs. Lying on its narrow width, an arm tucked beneath my head, I stared up at the mobile of glittering stars and fairies as moonlight crept across the ceiling still thinking about Tabitha. Along with the weird sensation inside my chest like moths fluttering against a glass jar, my stomach was knotted and there was a feverish exhilaration flowing through my veins making it impossible to sleep. I wondered what she liked best about working as a Between Maid. What did she dream about? What were her aspirations? Maybe she wanted more, maybe she wanted to be Head Housekeeper. What did she do in her spare time? I considered that her distinctive scent of wild roses was because she loved gardening. I'd noted the way she'd looked with regret at the white roses while she'd hacked at them to fill the Venetian vases the first night we'd met. I wanted Tabitha to tell me everything about herself, including all her favorite songs and books.

Actually, I had a fair fucking idea of what kinds of books she liked.

I'd mused upon Miss Catt until finally, the inky waves of sleep pulled me down into its comforting embrace.

My internal clock had me waking before dawn. Throwing on my running gear and strapping a dagger to my thigh, I headed into the Hemmlok Forest for an early morning run. For the first time, fear and guilt and vengeance hadn't poisoned the air in my lungs being within its savage depth.

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