Chapter 28: You loved me...

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My heart ached for her, every single second...

Evanly's Pov

I trusted him with my whole heart. I thought he was different, I thought he was my one. I thought I could let myself love again, I was in love with him...

I locked myself in the guest room. I did not want to speak to anyone at the moment. All I felt was pain, betrayal, anger. I felt like a clown. It was all just a fucken bet and I fell for it. I fell for his sweet, heartwarming words that captivated my heart. With every passing moment I was with him, I fell for him even harder. I was in love with him...

Tears fell down my cheeks, the lump on my throat grew bigger and bigger. I cried so much that my cheeks began hurting and my face was numb. Occasional knocks kept on coming through the modern, wooden door every 2 hours. I heard faint voices talking, mentioning my name.

I layed there on the bed, sulking away my pain. I eventually fell asleep but somewhere during the warm night I woke up to a faint knock on the door. I couldn't believe that Danzel and Conilliouse were still up, knocking on the door at this hour.

"Evanly...I know you're awake. Can we please talk...?", Devon's deep, husky voice came through the door. I set up in bed and stared at the door.

"Evanly, please...I'", he whimpered softly. I continued to stare at door with a look of sadness, my heart was still aching.  His voice had me in trans, I was fighting the edge to open the door. I stayed silent, sitting on the bed waiting for him to leave. After agonizing 7 minutes, he finally left.

I fell back onto the soft pillows that layed on the bed, I heaved a deep sigh of exhaustion. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I turned it on and saw that I had 4 messages, two from Danzel and two from Conilliouse.


'Evanly are you okay?'

'You two need to talk...'


'Hey Babes, are you doing okay in there?'

'Do you want to talk about it?'

I found a message, it was from an unknown number. I read it and immediately felt disgusted. It was that dip-shit Justin.

'Evanly, I'm moving out, can you come and pick up your things by next week.'

Ahg...I forgot that my things were still there. I was busy falling in love with someone I thought I could trust, what a fucking lie that was.


I slowly got up from the bed and lazily  walked into the bathroom to take a shower and ease my aching heart. I got undressed, got into the glass pane shower that shined slightly as the moonlight from the window hit it. I opened the tap and let the hot water hit and embrace my body. I breathed a deep sigh and ran my fingers through my wet, curly hair.

So...I just broke up with him, just like that, huh?


I really fucked up this time...and I hurt someone I really cared about. I hurt her and I promised never to hurt her. I'm such an asshole!

I layed in my bed silently staring at the ceiling and feeling like a big chunk was taken out of my heart. I felt so compelled to break everything in the room. I grabbed a pillow beside me and screamed into it. Fuck!!!

I threw the pillow aside and closed my eyes to try and fall asleep. I should give her space, I know she won't speak to me for a while.

The next morning I woke up feeling disoriented, with a head splitting headache. The sun shined through my slightly opened curtain, illuminating my cold room. The house was eerily quiet. I grabbed my phone from beside me and checked the time. '8 a.m'

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I went straight to the mirror and took a look at my reflection. I looked like a mess, my hair went in all directions, dark eyebags under my eyes and my facial hair had began to grow again. I groaned as I rubbed my tires eyes. Damn it.

I quickly washed up and got dressed. As I stepped out of my bedroom I saw Conilliouse standing in front of Evanly's door, with a look of sadness and worry. I slowly walked up to her and greeted her.

"Morning, Conilliouse."

As if acknowledging my presence she quickly turned to look at me.

"Oh...hey, Devon. How did you sleep.", she looked at me up and down. "How could I sleep well? I tried to talk to her but she hasn't come out of the room for hours. I tried texting, calling, repeatedly knocking on her door but nothing."

"Don't worry, Devon, she'll come around eventually. Right now just give her some space.", she heaved a deep sigh.

I felt so defeated. I sighed and turned to leave, just as I was about to go down the stairs, I heard her door unlock and slowly open. Evanly stepped out and hugged Conilliouse tightly. I wanted to run over to her so badly, I wanted to hug her tightly. I wanted to apologize but I stopped myself and with a heavy heart, I worked downstairs.

Some time went by as I set in the living room silently going through some papers. Danzel walked into the living room and set beside me.

"How are you holding up?"

"She broke up with me...", I placed the papers on the glass table and layed back into the couch. "Oh, I'm sorry, Devon.", As we set there in silence, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a dragging sound, as if something with wheels was being dragged. We both turned to look at the stairs. A grey suitcase appeared along side Evanly who looked stunning. She wore a black dress that covered her body tightly with a white jacket and white sneakers. Her curly black hair hung loosely on shoulders.

I immediately stood up feeling a mix of emotions build up. Is she leaving?! She walked into the living room and spoke.

"I'm leaving. I can't stay here any longer."

~To be continued...~

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