Chapter 16 : Behind the curtains

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The truth behind their relationship...


"No, no, I'm...sorry...please don't hit me again...I'," I cried out.

I was having another nightmare. I thought these nightmares were gone but I guess not. I tried to forget about my past, I tried to make myself believe that it never happened but it didn't work. I still had those vivid memories of Justin...

"Evanly?", a voice called out to me, making me come back to reality. It was Devon, he looked worried.

"Hey, hey...a-are you okay? What's wrong? Did u have a nightmare?", he asked frantically.

"Y-yeah...i-i'm fine, I just had a nightmare...", I replied in a low whisper.

He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, I felt myself ease up a bit. It felt comforting and warm. I layed my head onto his chest, inhaling his amazing scent. He smelled really good. His strong arms held me close, I could feel his heart beating fast, mine was also beating really fast. He stroked my hair gently.

"Devon, have you ever fallen in love with someone?", I asked him suddenly. I don't know why but that question suddenly came to mind.

He breathed in a deep sigh and replied.

"Yes, but...things didn't go as planned. Heh..", he replied in a low but hurt voice. He sounded sad.

"Oh, what was her name?", I asked. I was feeling a bit intrigued.

"Her name was Andrea Garcias. She was a supermodel in Italy. We met through our fathers. Her father was friends with my father, so I gradually began hanging out with her whenever she was brought to our place. I admit, at first i was sceptical but I just went with it. If I had known, I wouldn't have followed through with it.

A few years passed and at some point I began falling for her and I decided to confess my feelings for her on her 22nd birthday. I did confess to her and she reciprocated my feelings, soon after that we began dating. I was so in love and happy. We dated for two years. On our 2 year anniversary, my parents hosted a party for us at our family mansion, the Marscinos mansion. During the party, I was busy talking to Danzel and my other friends.

We were busy talking, when all of a sudden I see Andrae walking up to me holding some papers in her hand, she looked angry. She came up to me, swiftly grabbed my hand and pulled me aside. I was confused. I asked her 'Andrea, what's wrong, hun?". She looked at me and shoved the papers she was holding into my hands. I opened them and saw that they were test results? About me?! Wait! I was Infertile?!

No fucken way! That's impossible! I'm not infertile! No. Way. I looked up and saw Andrea walk up to me holding a glass of red wine. Before I knew it, she splashed me with the wine, drenching my hair and grey suit. Everyone gasped in shock.

I was beyond shocked and I was bewildered. I turned to look at her angrily. 'What the fuck, Andrae?!'

She looked at me with a disgusted look on her face. 'How could you not tell me that you are infertile!'

People turned to look at us and they began whispering. At that moment, I felt humiliated and embarrassed. 'This is fake but we can talk about this in private, please.' I pleaded with her. What she did next, turned my world upside down.

'Devon, I'm breaking up with you! I can't have someone like you as my boyfriend, you can't even have children. That's embarrassing.' After saying that, she walked off, leaving me standing there speechless. Danzel rushed to me and so did my friends. At that point, people were looking at me and whispering, the mansion was quite, the music had stopped. Danzel and my friends lead me upstairs to my room, where they helped me clean up. I didn't say a single word.

I was heartbroken. I was in pain. I felt humiliated. I felt embarrassed. The girl I loved so much had broken up with me and over some fake test papers!?", he explained.

"I'm sorry about that. You didn't deserve any of that, she was wrong for humiliating you like that.", I comforted him.

"Sometimes I feel like it was for the best, maybe we wouldn't have worked out...", he said.

"Did you really love her?", I asked him.

"Yes, I did. With all my heart and soul but then I lost all that love I had for her after what she did to me.", he sighed.

"Where did she even get those fake test results?", I asked feeling intrigued.

"She made them herself. She wasn't bold enough to break up with me herself. She wanted to accuse me of something to make herself the victim." He replied.

"She's a bitch for doing that.", I scoffed.

He began laughing and I also began laughing.


I felt a bit relieved but I still had my own past that I hadn't told anyone, not even my father nor my mother, even Conilliouse.

When I thought about it, I felt scared and anxious. Justin was not who people thought he was, there was more than there meets the eye.

I set up straight in bed and looked at him with an anxious look on my face.

"You know, Devie...there's something I want to tell you but I'm not sure if I should. I'm scared to tell anyone."

"Is it about, Justin?", he asked worridly.

"Y-yes... Justin is not who you think he is...he's way more... he's much more cruel. He hurt me in many different ways...mentally...physically...", I whispered. I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

Devon looked worried.

"What did he do to you?"

I sighed. Should I really tell him? Was I ready to tell anyone about this? Yes. I need to tell someone.

"I guess I should start from the beginning..."


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