Chapter 54

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Group training flew by and was a blur in itself, and I was amazed at how relaxed I was to be around them, feeling as if I found another place to call home.

Everyone was kind and wanted to be my friend but more than just a friend, they wanted to be my second family.

I was surprised but suspicious about that, to say the least, but a part of me wanted to be accepted back into the group that hasn't grown in numbers except for one spritely rainbow haired female that was more active outside of school than in.

However, that didn't stop me from being curious as to why this group hadn't grown that much over the years, even though I knew that there could have been people that wanted to be a part of this group, working their asses off to prove their worth without getting anywhere.

I decided not to ask Commander, not understanding it myself, but I knew that one of these days I would gain the confidence to ask him.

For now, I wanted to enjoy my group and rekindle the bonds that Cassandra had with them as myself.

I wanted to prove to them why I should be an Alpha Beta like Cassandra was before me, and I had a small feeling that I did with the little amount of time I had been with them.

My mother was right, however, for I was able to use my "true" strength and speed with them. But I only used speed with this group and not my true strength against them because I knew that I could hurt someone, and I did not want to do that, no matter how much they wanted to see it.

Charlie was the main person that spotted me while I did what Commander wanted me to do. He pushed me hard enough to show about half of what I could do and didn't try to push me further, even though he knew that I was able to do so much more.

Thankfully, Charlie wasn't one of those people that would confront me in front of others, and I had a feeling that he would wait to make it known that he knew I was hiding something, even though he never did.

Hell, he didn't even do it while we were in the car with him driving me home because like I had expected, my parents had texted me to let me know that Charlie was going to take me home because they were in no position to drive because they couldn't keep their eyes open long enough to drive there and back.

"I should have made a bet with my parents," I said randomly while I texted my best friends, noticing that Chewie was a little quiet in the group chat.

"About?" Charlie asked and looked at me before he looked at the road.

"You driving me home," I replied. I sent a Chewbacca gif solely to Chewie before I replied to a message that Jack sent me that was also out of the group chat. "I knew that you were going to drive me, even though I can just walk home." I shrugged.

"You are not walking home, Cassidy Anne," Charlie said instantly, and I bit back a smirk because I knew that was the response I was going to get. "I don't care if you are in the opposite direction of my place. You are not walking home."

"But I walk home from school," I said and looked at him, "and I walk to school every morning."

"It is ten in the evening, Cassidy. You are not walking home. It's dangerous."

I bit back a snort and sent another gif to Chewie when he didn't respond to me before I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you worried that some Vampire is going to try and kidnap me to suck my blood?" I asked in a mock Dracula accent while I made a face.

"Yes." Charlie nodded, and I couldn't help but snort and roll my eyes.

"I'd like to see them try," I mumbled and sent a message to Jack, asking if he heard from Chewie. "I want more teeth for my collection, and I think I'll just grab both pointies instead of one."

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