Chapter 39

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Vice Principal Triste and Principal Warner entered the room just as soon as he said that, and I quickly schooled my features so that they wouldn't suspect a thing while they shut the door behind themselves.

"Well?" Principal Warner asked and raised an eyebrow. He walked over to his desk with no papers in his hands and sat down while Vice Principal Triste took the seat she occupied before she left to get him.

Charlie ignored him and was able to school his features while he looked at Vice Principal Triste. "Take it off," he said instead, and I knew that he was counting on me to act confused and nervous.

His voice was half harsh and half angry, and I had to make sure that I didn't scowl in his direction because he could be caught if I did, and I had a feeling that he didn't want to be caught doing something that he wasn't supposed to be doing or lying about me "not" being under the spell.

I furrowed my brows slowly and looked at the three of them, my movements robotic and stiff. "Take... what off?" I asked slowly, as if I was still under the spell. "What is there to take off of me?"

"Nothing, nothing," Vice Principal Triste said and took off the spell without Principal Warner saying a word.

I bit back a gasp of relief when that nagging feeling left, and I could finally breathe without this pressure on my chest. I slumped against my seat and flicked my eyes closed before I groaned and rubbed my head. "What happened?" I asked, sounding groggy. "Why do I feel so... weird?" I furrowed my brows and looked at the three of them, frowning.

Principal Warner and Vice Principal Triste looked at each other before they looked at Charlie. They didn't say a word to me, and I had a feeling that they were waiting for Charlie to say something.

"It's nothing to worry about," Charlie soothed, and I had a feeling that he was silently cursing his luck because he couldn't quite tell me about the hidden world around me, even though he wanted to. "You'll feel better after having a drink of water." He looked at Principal Warner and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have an extra bottle of water lying around?" he asked, giving him a pointed look.

Principal Warner blinked and then blinked again, looking confused. He looked at Vice Principal Triste and then at me before he looked at Charlie again. "I... beg your pardon?" he asked, confused.

"Do you have any bottles of water lying around so that Miss Lanchester can have one to help her feel better?" he asked slowly as if he was talking to someone stupid, and I had to keep myself from laughing or smirking at him.

Principal Warner blinked and blinked again before realization dawned on his face. "Oh, right, right," he said. He cleared his throat and stood. "Excuse me for a second," he said and walked out of the office before I could react.

I closed my eyes and slumped against my seat, exhausted, while I waited for Principal Warner to enter the room again with a bottle of water. I had no idea what Charlie had planned and why he wanted Principal Warner to get me a bottle of water, but I knew better than to ask, especially since the vice principal was still in the room with us.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long for Principal Warner to get back into the room with a bottle of water in his hands. He handed it to me before he sat down and stayed silent, waiting for me to drink it.

I smiled my thanks while I took the bottle from him, loving the feeling of coldness that came from it, but I didn't take a sip from it because I had no idea if anyone did anything to it as they had done to me.

"C'est sur, (It's safe,)" Charlie said in French, and I looked at Vice Principal Triste before I looked at him. He slowly nodded and offered a small smile. "Personne ne l'a ouvert. (No one has opened it.)"

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