Spewing hatred

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Avantika's POV

"Rajesh uncle, is there anything to worry about?", I felt the concern in Abhiram's voice, which also resonated with me. The moment we reached Pratik bhai's parents' home, we could easily sense the tensed atmosphere. As it is, while travelling, Abhiram was over the edge, and I had to assure him multiple times to calm him down.

Mummy has always had a problem with blood pressure, but over the years, with medication and meditation, combined with some good food habits, she had gained quite some control over it. She had been able to handle the revelation concerning Kinjal the other day, but this time it seems, things had become too much for her to handle. I mean, I understand her. Seeing your daughter diagnosed with something of such sorts would be more than enough to scare the living daylights out of any person.

"I understand Abhiram that simply saying don't let her take stress just doesn't make any sense, because I have been your family doctor for quite some period now, and I know your mother, but still, try to keep her away from stressful words, people, as much as you can. Try to placate her, to just keep her calm, hmm?"

Abhiram nodded at his words.

Mummy was sleeping when we entered her room. There were dried streaks of tears on her cheeks, and Abhiram sat alongside her on the bed and tried to gently wipe them off. Her eyes fluttered open as her gaze traversed across the ceiling first and then across the room only to settle on me. Her eyes welled with tears, I suppose for the umpteenth time today.

"I am so sorry Avanti beta (child). That narcissist kid of me ruined your happiness.", she sobbed.

"Mummy, shh. Please calm down, hmm.", I took her entwined hands in one of my hands, and wiped her tears with my other hand, as Abhiram gently patted her forehead.

"Now mummy, you are going to sleep, and do not take any stress. Your children are here to handle everything.", Abhiram stated firmly. As firmly as he could anyway, since I felt the slight tremble in his voice towards the end.

"I always felt something must have been the case with her, but I just considered that she might be exceedingly selfish. This - narcissism, I never had a clue of it. I had heard about this, read a few things on the internet, but had never imagined I would have one for a child."

Abhiram had made mummy sleep and then we had come out to speak with pappa who too wasn't in a good state of mind. Pratik bhai's parents were sat on the sofa across us and one could see their distressed faces. Pratik bhai was having some conversation with them - perhaps pacifying them, assuring them.

"Where did we fall short Abhiram? What more could we have done?", pappa glanced at Abhiram, a helpless expression plastered on his face.

"How did I lose my kid to this?"

"We do not know pappa, trust me. Neither you could have known, nor anyone from us.", Pratik bhai answered for Abhiram.

"What happens now?", Maya aunty, Pratik bhai's mom asked.

"What happens now is mom, I am initiating the divorce proceedings. The case won't be difficult considering all the evidences against her, and the witnesses too. And I am taking the sole custody of my child which would also be not difficult. I am done with her, with her evilness, with everything.", Pratik bhai fumed.

We heard a loud, shrill laughter and turned our heads towards the door.

There she stood. A malicious grin on her face.

"Woah, my beloved, my dear Pratik.", she sauntered across the living space to reach us where we had sat on the couch.

"Tch. Tch. Calm down honey. This anger doesn't suit you.", she mocked.

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