~New Home~

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Your POV:

I was asleep for most of the ride, I didn't even know where we were going until Drayton told me. I was snuggled up against Bubba in his lap as I talked to him about random things. I hear Drayton and Nubbins say a few things but don't really care about what it was since I want really listening.

Bubba gives me a light kiss on the forehead and I smile. "I wonder when we're gonna get there." I say as Bubba plays with my hair. I've noticed he likes to play with my hair a lot. His hands were rough but they felt nice in my hair.

Am I in love? No, I can't be in love with the man who kidnapped me. But we kiss and cuddle a lot and I haven't tried to stop of attack him. I have had thoughts of escaping before, though. But who would I go back to? They most likely killed my friends. But were they really my friends in the first place? Why should I care if they killed what I called my friends if they weren't actually my friends?

The truck suddenly stops, pulling me from my thoughts as Bubba stands up, holding me.

He sets me down on the ground and grabs his bag and gets down, stepping next to me. I look around, not recognizing the place at all. We were outside, no building in sight.

Nubbins and Drayton get out of the truck and Nubbins steps next to me and Bubba. "Where are we?" Nubbins asks as he looks around, me doing the same. "We are at the Texas Battle lands." Drayton says, walking away.

"But people could easily find us here!" Nubbins says, following him.

"We'll live underground, idiot." Drayton says as me, Nubbins and Bubba follow him. Then Drayton stops suddenly. "Oh, shit! We forgot grandpa!" Drayton says as he goes back to the truck.

"How the hell do you forget your own grandpa?" I ask as I look at him, confused. "He was in the attic and j was just trying to get out of that hellhole as soon as possible so we wouldn't be found by the police." He says, getting in the truck.

"Bubba, come with me. Nubbins, idiot, stay here and don't let anyone see or find ya." He says and Bubba goes and gets in the truck. "Hey! I'm not an idiot!" I say as I cross my arms and look away. He chuckles and starts the truck before driving away.

I look at Nubbins and he looks at me. "Come on, let's hide until they get back." He says and grabs my hand, leading me away to hide somewhere. Once we're hidden, he grabs me and pulls me into his lap.

"Nubbins! What are you doing?!" I ask as my eyes widen and a light blush comes to my cheeks. I look at him and he smirks. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to get closer to you, cutie." He puts his hand in my hair and puts his other hand on my cheek and pulls me closer, wanting to kiss me.

I push him away and get out of his lap. "Nubbins, I really don't think you should kiss me." I say, putting my hand out to keep him away. "Oh, come on! What's so wrong about a little kiss?~" He grabs my waist, pulling me closer again.

"I don't like you like that, Nubbins!" I push him away again. "Why? Is it because you like Bubba? You like him, don't you? Drayton was right. We should've killed you when Bubba found you." He says, crossing his arms and turning away. "Nubbins, I don't hate you. I mean, your brother kidnapped me and you're a cannibal so I don't know if I fully trust you yet but I don't hate you."

"Shut up. You never denied liking Bubba. So you must like him, right? I mean, why wouldn't you? He found you and kept you safe, even from Drayton and he's probably kissed you multiple times and you two have cuddled." He says. "I... even if I do like Bubba, I still don't hate you." I say. We hear the truck in the distance and Nubbins gets up, walking away and towards the truck.

He then helps Bubba with their grandpa. "Come on, idiots." Drayton says as he start leading us... somewhere, I don't know.

Authors Note: I legitimately forgot about grandpa sawyer so they went back to get him.

Word Count: 760

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now