65 ~ Ranvijay Tells Aishwarya About Babies

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Aishwarya POV

"The thing I love the most?"

He asked, and I smiled a little.

"It's the easiest question,"

I said and felt him touching my waist and pulling me closer to him. My stomach touched his, and I saw him smiling.

"What is it?"

He asked slowly, and I lifted my hands to show him my wrists. I moved my forearms a little, and he chuckled a little.

"I thought you would choose yourself,"

I chuckled a little and shook my head.

"I am not a thing, Hukum, see, I inhale and exhale,"

I said while inhaling and exhaling deeply before him, and he smiled. I felt him holding my wrists with his own hand, and I smiled a little.

"How could you figure it out?"

He asked, and I saw him leaning closer to my wrist and kissing the golden bangles he gave me.

My smile vanished a little when I felt his lips gently touching my skin, and I tried to say.

"You have a habit of tracing them when you are nervous, when you are happy and when you are calm. It's like they calm you down and give you peace,"

I gulped after finishing, looking into his soft yet deep eyes: those thick brows and long lashes.

"It's not just the bangles, Aishwarya. It is the warmth of the person who used to wear them once and who is wearing them now,"

He said, and I smiled weakly.

"You miss your mother so much,"

I said in a slow voice, and he smiled.

"Every child does. Mother is not just a human but an emotion. The child gets to his mother even before he gets to know about the God,"

He said, and I just stared silently into his eyes.

"Sadly, I do not know anything about her,"

I said, and his gaze softened, and I felt his palm cupping my cheek. His warmth soothed me, and I lowered my lashes and tilted my face slightly into his palm.

"I am sure she would have been exactly like you,"

He said and I smiled.

"I cannot say anything because I can not even recall the slightest memory of her. I was her first and last child, and no one has ever talked about her in Songarh like she did not even exist,"

I said, and I felt him inhaling a deep breath and coming closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and gently stroked my back. I felt good.

No, I was not feeling like crying because you cannot call for someone you do not know.

"But, I know only one thing about her,"

I said, and he asked in a slow voice.

"What is it?"

I pulled back from the hug and kept my gaze low while answering.

"My eldest sister once said to my sister, and I heard her saying that my father kept my mother for a son, but he was very disappointed that my mother also got the daughter, and she died,"

I said, and I felt her hand gently, bringing my gaze up to meet his eyes.

"Their loss, but you know if I ever get to decide, I will choose a baby girl as our firstborn,"

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