20 ~ Aishwarya Talks to Ranvijay

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Ranvijay POV

"Hold it for me,"

I said to her and I looked into her eyes staring back at me with timidness, fear, and nervousness but still, there was a tint of curiosity and excitement beneath her lashes.

My eyes were staring deep into her eyes while she was looking back into me. She had beautiful heavy lashes and deep dark eyes. The water was still dripping down her hair locks that were enhancing her enchanting beauty by dancing on the sides of her beautiful angelic face.

I was feeling happy to see that, unlike our first day, she was feeling comfortable while looking into my eyes.

I was trying to get to know her more. She was a beautiful soul. Someone who would take care of others' happiness at any cost and would never know what makes her own self happy. 

She was shy but not someone who was shy by nature but someone who had never got a person to open up with. Despite having many sisters she only talked about her father that too was very little. It sounded strange to me.

And, I knew his father's reality. I could bet that a person like him never treated her right.

She was turning very curious and I could feel that she was feeling more comfortable around me now. The way she told me what she saw back in the river, I could feel a sense of pride in my heart that she was learning and talking.

She was sweet. Very sweet actually and it was making me have a keen interest in her day by day.

Suddenly, she fluttered her eyes rapidly when I took my hand carefully closer to her skirt's strings.

I did not want to make her feel anything wrong. She was way too sensitive. She did not know the meaning of many things. And, I did not want to hurt her pure heart anyhow or even scare her.

I just wanted to win her heart and see what was inside it. I bet no one had even tried it. I just want her to discover herself through her own emotions. I did not want to teach or make her learn anything. I just wanted her to fall in love with herself the way she was. Very beautiful.

But, I was afraid of a thing.

I could bear anything but I did not want her to have a traumatic past.

But, I could not help.

All her behaviour was signalling towards it.

Being shy was one thing but being not given a chance to talk, to share, to feel, to express, to know was another thing.

She seems curious about things. The way she looks at everything, the way she stares as if longing for details, and the way she looks as if she tries to understand made me feel that she was a curious person.

But, she seems afraid to ask questions.

My heartfelt pain to feel that her questions might not be answered at a young age so she eventually stopped asking and accepted the way people treated her taking it as the right way.

She lifted her gaze back to me and I kept staring at her as I did not want her to feel odd by looking down or looking at her in any way she would not want me to.

I slowly pulled the strings of the skirt and I could feel that her heartbeats were racing insanely. She blinked nervously and her pace turned deep red with the blood rushing to her cheeks.

There was a different kind of glow came over her skin with the warmness and blush and I could not help but smile. 

She was cute and beautiful.

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