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Kyle's Pov: 

The warmth that engulfed my inner soul when Maryn was near me was all gone when I came downstairs, away from her. While cooking, my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a message from my team regarding a lead in my mom's death case. MAFIA.... It feels like I was crushed beneath the weight of my reality and I was knocked out of breath. I am not a normal teenager and I sure as hell can't let Maryn near me. If anyone finds out about me, she will unnecessarily get dragged into this messed up situation and she will be the one in danger. I can't let that happen.

But how can I ignore the growing feelings in my heart for her? I take a deep breath as my mind and heart battle. Until now, she is the only girl I wanted to slam my lips against and kiss with every emotion that she bubbled up inside me. 

I rub my temples as everything goes to shit. I flipped the pancakes as my thoughts kept fighting with each other. Even you know you don't deserve her. But, Only you can protect her. What if she doesn't want you? What if she doesn't see you much more than her best friend? What if she forgets about you once you leave? You should tell her your situation. No goddamnit, you will scare her away. You are a monster and she will hate you once she knows about your truth.

Ughhhh. I finally decided after giving myself an immense amount of headache. I will leave her at the end of our high school year because, after that, I will be officially training for our business and mafia. This decision made my heart tear apart into pieces, so I would like to cherish every moment with Maryn. 

I keep a plate full of chocolate pancakes and a glass of chocolate milkshake on the kitchen counter which is a tiny dining area with bar stools. Maryn enters the kitchen area and my eyes take in every inch of her body. She looks incredibly hot in my clothes as my T-shirt is almost reaching her knees and it makes her look like she is not wearing anything underneath but I am sure she is wearing my boxers. If eyes could appreciate in words, mine would be giving a speech right now. It's like my clothes were made for that girl only, who is looking a little nervous right now. Nervous? I've never seen Maryn's nervousness about her looks before and it's kind of cute but in a sexy way. 

She looked at the food I just placed and almost ran into me while taking her seat. I smiled to myself while standing beside her. Maryn took the first bite of the pancakes and moaned while saying, "Ahhhh... This is so good." Her moan did something to my dick and my mode switched to that of the smutty one. 

I replied with a smirk, "Trust me, darling, you make that sound once again and I will make sure that happens in my bed." Her eyes went wide and her cheeks went to the brightest shade of red. She surprisingly replied, "Sounds like a promise to me" and winked. Damn, my girl is really something. Maryn ate her food while thinking in silence. After she was finished, she stared at her empty plate so I asked her, "What are you thinking?" She looked up from her plate and said, "What happened after I was unconscious and what did Zade do?" 

I felt anger bubble up inside me at the mention of his name but I suppressed it and gently kissed Maryn's head while saying, "Don't overthink. Everything's fine and you need to rest for now." She nodded and smiled while saying, "One thing I am clear about is that Zade Petrakis is going to get a punch in his face from me." I chuckled and we both went to our rooms after cleaning up a bit in the kitchen. 


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