ǝuo ʎʇɹᴉɥʇ ɐɹʇxǝ

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The sound of dripping water from the bathroom merged with the rain outside.

Mo Xi returned to the bedroom and picked up a book, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get into it. The words on the pages seemed to suddenly come to life, forming Pei Hao's name with their strokes and curves.

One minute...

Five minutes...

Ten minutes passed, and the book remained open on the first page, without any progress.

With a frustrated "snap," Mo Xi closed the book and lay down on the bed with a somewhat disheartened expression. Oh no, oh no, all he could think about was Pei Hao taking a shower.

The water in the bathroom stopped. He could clearly hear Pei Hao's footsteps as he walked from the shower to the door. The door opened, and Pei Hao stepped out, coming to a halt in front of his bedroom.

"Do you have any clothes I can wear?" Pei Hao's deep voice came from the doorway.

Mo Xi glanced over, and Pei Hao's upper body was completely bare, droplets of water still clung to his sturdy chest. He was wrapped in a towel, leaning against the bedroom door, smiling at him.

Damn, how could he forget that Pei Hao didn't have any clothes to change into!

Based on their years of interaction, situations like these often escalated quickly.

Mo Xi averted his gaze from Pei Hao, suddenly leapt up from the bed, and hurriedly started rummaging through the closet.

Pei Hao leaned against the door with one hand supporting his head, observing Mo Xi's flustered actions. For some reason, he felt like laughing. Mo Xi stood in front of the closet, slightly bending at the waist, his long legs still straight, his buttocks forming an attractive curve. Pei Hao's throat went dry, and he walked slowly to Mo Xi's back, his hands gripping the person who was searching in front of him. He pressed his body against Mo Xi's, his voice slightly husky:

"Don't bother looking, I won't wear anything."

A warm and damp breath wafted onto Mo Xi's neck from behind, causing him to freeze in place. Before he could react, Pei Hao had carried him onto the bed.


As Mo Xi lay back on the bed, he was so exhausted that he could barely keep his eyes open, his legs were still trembling slightly. Pei Hao hugged him from behind, resting his head on Mo Xi's hair, looking serious:

"I won't let go of your hand again from now on."

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