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[OP] Randomly register an account. Posted on January 17, 2017, 21:11:21

After graduation, A and I had a breakup once. Since I dare to write about it, I'm not afraid even if you chase me with a big knife from miles away. Because... because... I was the one who actively sought reconciliation.

Our university is also in X city, where my family is, and my sister is here. Of course, after graduation, I wanted to stay here. But A wanted to go to Y city. At that time, he gave many reasons, like Y city having more opportunities for development and wanting to strive harder while young, etc. Maybe these reasons were true, but after I gave up a job in X city to come to Y city with him, I found out that B also came back to Y city after returning from abroad. I felt that this was the real reason A wanted to come to Y city, disregarding everything else.

I felt like I had been hit on the head with a hammer because A never mentioned that B would be in Y city. He probably knew that B was a sensitive topic for me, and if I knew B was in Y city, I wouldn't have wanted to come.

That day, the three of us had dinner together, and I was in a bad mood, so I didn't talk much. I can't hide my thoughts; they always show on my face. If I'm happy, I smile; if I'm sad, I cry. There's no hiding my true feelings. On the way back, A was upset and asked me if I had any issues with B, why was I showing such a weird expression during dinner.

I found it particularly amusing at the time. I hadn't even asked him yet, but he was already questioning me. Everything was his righteousness, and everything was my fault.

I asked him, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that B would be in Y city?"

A replied, "No need. You're not that familiar with him, and does it really matter to you if he's in Y city?"

I retorted, "Does it matter to you if he's in Y city?"

A: ........

Silence, silence is an acknowledgment.

I coldly laughed in my heart. Look at this person, whenever something related to B comes up, he can't even console me.

We walked back home in silence. After graduation, we rented a place and lived together. By the time we got home, it was past 10 pm. That day, I really didn't want to sleep with A, so I started packing my things to stay in a hotel. He snatched my luggage and asked what was wrong with me. I said if he liked B so much, then he should be with him. When I liked him, I dared to pursue him; he liked B for so many years but never dared to pursue him. Why is he such a coward?

Maybe that hit a nerve with A; he got angry and threw my luggage away. He yelled at me, "How do you know I never pursued him?!"

Oh, so he did pursue him. That means he admits that he likes B.

I knew he liked B, but hearing him say it in person felt different. It was as if my heart had been tightly squeezed, and my eyes turned red as soon as he said that.

I really... just wanted to calmly discuss or argue with him. But why is it that whenever my emotions get stirred up, I can't help but cry, and then the more I cry, the more emotional I become, until I can't even speak clearly. I'm too cowardly to recall that moment.

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