Act V, Part VIII

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Kolya's Side (April 14, 11:20 pm)

Kolya waited, hands up in the air as he watched the young man continue to point his gun at him. The man seemed unwilling to trust him, but the sudden sounds of explosions from above seemed to worry him more.

"We don't have time," Kolya said cautiously. "I know you're wary, but every second we waste like this gives them more time to break in."

The man clicked his teeth, but he seemed to understand what Kolya was trying to get at. He put down his gun and motioned for Kolya to enter.

"Fine. I'll trust you for now. I'll take any help I can get, to be honest."

Kolya put his hands down and walked into the room. It was a largely unfurnished area with stone grey walls and supplies in a variety of boxes. It was quite different from the floors below, which looked like those from a normal office building.

"My name's Trevor," the young man explained as he sat down on a nearby chair. "I was hired by Raven to do all sorts of surveillance and hacking for this big job he was doing. If you know Raven, I shouldn't have to explain what that job was."

Kolya nodded. "So this was his base of operations, I suppose."

"In a way. He didn't stay here too often, though. We usually communicated remotely while he worked in the city."

Another explosion rattled the building. Trevor looked up as debris and dust dropped from the ceiling. "Overman agents have been attacking from the roof for a few minutes now. There's no way to get into the building from the roof, though, and everything from the walls to the windows at the top are specially reinforced to deal with blasts. It'll take them a while to actually break their way down here, but it's only a matter of time."

"Then we need to leave immediately," Kolya declared. "Innocenti Special Soldiers have been trying to make their way up as well. You'll be sandwiched if you don't get going soon."

"I'm aware of the situation," Trevor remarked. "I've been watching everything from the security monitors here."

Trevor gestured to an array of monitors against the wall, from which Kolya could see a variety of views of each floor at once. From there, he could see the Special Soldiers still struggling against the security bots patrolling the floors.

"If that's the case, then you should know how dire the situation is. Why haven't you left yet?"

With a furrowed brow, Trevor brought Kolya to a door at the end of the large room they were in. He opened it up to reveal a dark, empty room with little inside except for a life support capsule. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realized that there was a person inside the capsule as well.

"My boss Miss Chisato," Trevor explained. "I can't move her from the capsule or she'll die. The capsule's not that easy to move either. It's not like I can't get out with her, but it's not even worth considering with all the chaos going on."

"I see," Kolya muttered as he rubbed his chin. "There're a lot of problems here, and we can't leave until we solve them."

Kolya walked back into the main room and took a longer look at the terminal with the security monitors. As he watched the footage, he decided to look through the terminal's functions.

"This program here seems interesting," Kolya muttered as he tapped at the keyboard in front of him. "You can control the security bots with this?"

"Right," Trevor confirmed. "I've set them to indiscriminate combat for now, but if necessary, manual control is also possible."

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