Act IV, Part XII

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Kolya's Side (April 14, 1:00 pm)

Kolya awoke to the sound of police cars whirring down the street. He had slept for much longer than he had planned to. He got up and looked out the window. The police presence hadn't died down at all since last night, and it showed no signs of doing so any time soon.

Kolya glanced around the room and observed his fellow companions. Raven was already awake, and he looked as if he had been for a while. He was casually sipping coffee as if he weren't currently the most wanted man in the city, and he regarded Kolya with a cold and simple nod when he noticed he was awake.

On the other side of the room was Ingrid, who was also already awake. Considering the haggard look on her face, it was more like she was still awake; it seemed like everything she had learned over the night had left her with a lot on her mind. He hadn't expected for her to take the truth all that well, but he was surprised how much of an effect it seemed to have on her.

Raven, having finished his coffee, got up and walked over to Kolya. "I hope you're well-rested, because we need to get going."

"Get going?" Kolya repeated. "Going where? Aren't we on the run?"

"I was only doing that to help Megumi meet with my client. I ended up having to do it a bit longer than I meant to due to some trouble, but that task of mine is over."

"What's your goal here? Why are you helping this Chisato with her revenge?"

"I'm being paid, obviously. And the bankroller is one of the wealthiest people in the city."

"So there's someone else behind all of this?"

"Of course there is. You think a single woman and a Night Hunter would be enough to hide away from all of the Three Great Families and escape unscathed? Impossible."

"So what are we going to do?"

"Well, first we need to get the hell out of this district. Then I'd like to make contact with that very benefactor. There's just one little problem."

Raven gestured with his head towards Ingrid, who was still sitting in her corner of the room, unmoving. "I told her everything she wanted to know like you said, but was that a good idea? She's a Hayasaka, after all. All she has to do is have a little change of heart and everything we've worked towards is up in smoke."

Kolya nodded. "I've been observing her for quite a while. She might be a dutiful sort, but that's why I believe she wouldn't be able to forgive the things her grandfather has done."

"And if you're wrong about that?"

"If I'm wrong, then I'll be the one to take care of it. But from the looks of things, I think I'm on the right track."

Raven looked at Ingrid again and nodded. "I suppose so. But if so, then she needs to come with us, and I'd prefer not to lug around dead weight."

"I'll talk to her and help her get her thoughts in order. Don't worry about that."

"...All right, then. I need to make some preparations, but we need to be ready to go by nightfall. Make sure you get her sorted out by then."

Raven turned around without waiting for an answer and left the small apartment room they were hiding in. Kolya sighed and glanced at Ingrid again. Well, if he was going to play counselor, he'd need some coffee first.


Kolya and Ingrid sat at the table in silence as they listened quietly to the sounds of the city buzzing around outside. Ingrid had barely touched her coffee, and she was looking as if she was going to topple over at any moment.

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