Farewell, my dear victim/Chapter 11

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Before Scaramouche tried to kill him, he waited for Kazuha to guide him to the maze's exit, when they arrived, Kazuha hugged him tightly.
"You're going to come out of the maze with me, right?"
Kazuha looked at Scaramouche...

Scaramouche felt a little bit conflicted by Kazuha's words, he didn't want to kill him, but he also knew that he had to. This was the whole point of this maze, after all.
"Of course..."
He said that almost as if he was lying, but he wasn't entirely, he could go out of the maze with Kazuha, but in order to do that, he had to kill him here, in that moment, once again, he pointed his weapon at Kazuha.

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche in surprise, he was enjoying Scara so much that he forgot that this was all a manipulation.
Scaramouche was indeed one of the best manipulators in existence.

Kazuha's eyes started to tremble as he looked at Scaramouche in surprise.
Kazuha wanted to speak, but before he could say anything, Scaramouche interrupted.

"What are your last words?"
Scaramouche asked.

Scaramouche felt conflicted once again, he didn't want to kill Kazuha, he was a lovely person, but if he hadn't met him here, he wouldn't be feeling like this at the moment.
He pointed the knife even closer at Kazuha's throat, waiting for him to say something. He was surprised to see him not say anything at all.
"...your last words, Kazuha?"
He looked at Kazuha and waited patiently, as if he wanted him to say something first before he had to take action.

Kazuha sighed and smiled sadly.
"I love you, Scaramouche."

Scaramouche sighed, not believing these words, since coming from the others they were never the last.
"You decided to die with a lie on your lips."

Scaramouche stabbed Kazuha, he fell to the ground with blood pouring out of his body, almost unconscious, he spoke his last words.
"I-...love you...Scaramouche."
Kazuha closed his eyes.

When Kazuha said "I love you, Scaramouche.", Scaramouche froze, the weapon wasn't moving anymore. He couldn't believe Kazuha was saying that.
It felt as if time had almost stopped here, and the words that Kazuha just said, felt like they would stay here for an eternity.
He felt something he wasn't expecting to feel here, he was feeling hurt, but at the same time, he felt loved, loved in a way that no one has ever loved him.
He cried.

Kazuha died, in that place, at the exit of the maze, with a knife stuck in his chest, and his last words were true and honest.

...Scaramouche really would have manipulated Kazuha to kill him in the end, but he couldn't deny it, he was liking Kazuha.

He cried silently, with the knife still stuck in Kazuha's chest. But at the same time, the words that Kazuha said to him, were repeating themselves inside his head, again and again.
"I love you, Scaramouche."
It almost felt as if this was all a dream or a nightmare, but it was happening right now, as if these words had changed the course of the world itself.
He was standing here, looking at a dead Kazuha.

And, he was crying.

He had killed someone he loved, even after everything Scaramouche did, Kazuha loved him...and now, he was gone.
Scaramouche was crying, then, he stood up and left the maze, still sad, he needed to go to the office, saying that he had completed his job.

For the second time, he ended the lives of over 300 people, just like 500 years ago... But this time, he isn't happy about it, he killed Kazuha.

He still couldn't believe what had just happened, but then, he snapped out of it, he needed to go to the office and report the success of the mission. He had to leave everything else behind, he wasn't going anywhere else.

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