Not so deadly/Chapter 3

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"Running away so soon? That's no fun."
He was very serious now, as he continued to sprint towards Kazuha...

Kazuha ran very fast, he took turns in every corner of the maze, so fast that Scaramouche was not able to follow him. Kazuha got lost in a strange place in the maze, but he kept going.

Scaramouche got lost, he couldn't find Kazuha for now, so he went to another direction, and he saw a bunch of people trying to find a exit to the maze. He went towards them with a knife and killed them.

Scaramouche had to chase after Kazuha through the maze, he couldn't allow his prey to escape. A few turns were enough to get rid of him, though.
Scaramouche started to get worried, but he kept following Kazuha's steps anyway, looking for him.
He eventually turned a corner and saw a bunch of people also running through the maze. Scaramouche's smile widened again, as if he enjoyed killing people.
"What a coincidence. A few people who were still alive, and now they're dead."

The people screamed in agony as they felt Scara's knife in their chest's and necks, the floor was covered with blood, Scaramouche was killing everyone with no pity.

Scaramouche was giggling as he looked at the pile of corpses on the floor, their blood trickling from their wounds. He placed his hand on his mouth, as if trying to stop himself from laughing even more. However, his smile was still wide as he looked at his knife.
"How amusing, I've just gotten rid of a bunch of weaklings that wouldn't have lasted long anyways."
He didn't feel any remorse for his victims, after all, killing people was just another part of his job as an assassin.

The labyrinth seemed like an infinite loop, Kazuha was walking for hours and hours, he couldn't find an exist, he realized that maybe he was just passing through the same place multiple times.
He went to another corner of the maze, and he saw the death bodies that Scaramouche had just killed, however, Scara wasn't there.
Kazuha looked at the blood in agony, he was shivering.

Scaramouche was taking his time, following the trails of blood to find where Kazuha had been. The sight of the corpses only made his smile widen once more, the assassin seemed to be enjoying the fact that he had already killed a few people in the maze.
"Heh, looks like someone else came through here. Maybe it's better for me though... I can have more fun with him now!"
He kept walking, following the blood drops even deeper into this part of the maze.

Kazuha was hearing footsteps, so he started walking faster, he was exploring the whole maze, until he found a beautiful part of it that had Sakura's, a beautiful view, Kazuha got distracted and looked at it, appreciating how wonderful it looked.

Scaramouche was getting closer and closer to Kazuha, as he heard the sounds of footsteps coming from this area. The assassin took the time to scan the place for potential victims while he was following Kazuha's footsteps. Once he found the place that Kazuha is currently in, he froze for a moment. His eyes were gazing at the sakuras scattered around the area, they truly added something nice to the sight.
"How curious... Why would someone bother planting Sakura trees in this maze?"
He took a few more steps forward, looking for anyone around.

Kazuha noticed Scaramouche walking in the area, he immediately went behind a Sakura tree to hide from Scaramouche.

Scaramouche was moving forward in the area, when he noticed something moving behind a Sakura tree. As soon as he saw that, however, his face quickly turned into the famous assassin's scowl. Something was hiding from him... and that meant it was afraid of him.
He approached that Sakura tree, and pulled out his knife once again just in case. The assassin's eyes were scanning the area, ready for anything to happen.

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