Divorce At The Alter

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To fight on my own with Doflamingo was hell. I was having trouble keeping up; although, I did what I could.

"Where is (y/n)!?" I growled, demanding an answer

"What do you want with my wife?" Doflamingo asked

"She is not your wife! She would never want to marry such a sad sack of bones! She has standards, and they're set higher than you could ever dream of reaching!" I yelled as my jealousy started to kick in.

I was angry at the idea of them even being close enough to date, let alone marry. I was clouded with rage that a threw out all my attacks, yet barely even scratching him.

3 hours goes by and I was still standing strong, but when I lost my stance, I was left open. Doflamingo took his chance. I braced for impact only to hear


Metal collided with his strong like daggers, but I felt nothing. When I opened my eyes, I saw her.

"(Y/n)!" I spoke in sudden surprise. I felt like crying right then and there. Knowing she chose me over him was a huge relief; however, there was something different about her...

Her aura changed from the casual cool and collected to a sudden blood lust.

I then started to really look at her. She was covered in blood. Her feet were blood red, as if she walked in puddles of blood barefoot. Her once white dress, and her once clean grey jacket was now stained in splattered blood. Her hair was every which way, but stuck together from a sticky substance that blended with her hair.

Her eyes watching her target like a hawk. She slowly took carefully steps towards Doflamingo. "This isn't you, baby." She spoke with a sweet tone. "You're not a heartless killer.." she added, which tore a hole in my heart as she put her blade down.

She walked right up to him with no protests or displeasure crossing her face. Doflamingo started with his cocky laugh as he wrapped one arm over her, embracing her for a hug. "I've told you time and time again! She's my wife!! There's nothing you can to stop me from taking her as my own property!!" He snarled at me.

Tears built in my eyes as I could feel my heart shatter. Slowly rotting at it's core. The construction of walls were suddenly being built as boundaries as the sheets to cover the building I was going to encase my heart in flew over the rotting core. I bit my lip to stop my tears from falling and my mouth from frowning, but I wasn't strong enough for that.

My eyebrows furrowed as my lip quivered slight at the thought of her being with him as she gently caressed his abs.

Suddenly, I heard Doflamingo grunt in pain. When I looked closer I could see that she stabbed him with one of his servant's swords.

She had stabbed him right through the stomach and smiled sweetly "what's wrong, honey?" She questioned as if she had done no wrong. Doflamingo's eyes turned into a darker shade as anger boiled in his body "Is there something bothering you... Doffy?" She asked becoming more and more aggressive with her words. The nickname given to him came out like daggers, which told me she had no interest in him. She tried moving the sword up only for him to slice it in sections of 4.

"Why do you insist on being difficult?" Doflamingo asked with a growl to his voice

"Why do you insist on me marrying you?" She asked in response

"Doflamingo!!!" Luffy's voice soared through the entire town like a siren preparing civilians for a bomb air drop. Luffy almost got onto the plat form to see us, only for Bellamy to drag him back down and fight him with everything he had left.

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