10 | In and Out

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For the past week and a half Bella sneaks over to the Isle to hangout with Gil and Harry getting to know them and they all got close pretty fast. At the moment she was getting ready to head off again but Mal was standing outside her room.

"Nope, you aren't allowed to go over there anymore. Ben, your parents, and I all agreed."

"Excuse me?" Bella laugh, "You four can't do that."

"But we did and we told others to make sure you don't. It's for your own good. I've heard some stuff from some people who still hate us. They hate how you're making yourself at home over there." Mal lies to her because she knew why she was sneaking over there deep down just like Ben did.

"You guys are ridiculous." Bella walks past her to go to the library instead.

Mal makes her way to Ben's room, "I stop Bella from going to the Isle. I told her it's off limits for her now. I made up some lie to say it's dangerous for her."

"Great, it's I just don't want her getting close with Harry. And you said yourself."

"There's many reasons I don't want that to happen and I know how he is so. Plus he's Uma's first mate and Uma spelled you and they kidnapped you." Mal huffs taking a seat.

"I know, I know." He kisses her cheek.

In the library, Bella kept complaining out loud since no one was hardly ever in there except for this time it was Audrey, "Can you please stop complaining?"

"Me? You're still butt hurt Ben chose Mal over you. Get over it you have Chad, who is in love with you." Bella goes to a different aisle.

"You're just as bad for being okay with it. Didn't tell him how wrong it was." Audrey follows her.

"Because I didn't and still don't care for you. You've never been nice to me once since meeting me. And while dating Ben, you were still snobby with me." Bella turns to face her, "So that's why I was happy when Ben got with Mal." Bella smiles leaving going off to the woods just to get away.

Hours pass and Mal and Ben start to get worried about not seeing Bella around. They asked everyone ans no one had any idea where she went. "Evie, do you think she went to the Isle?" Mal asks her.

"Nope, she usually lets me know first."

"So you knew she's alway sneaking off over there?" Mal crosses her arms.

"To go hangout with Dizzy, yes. She goes to over there to help her out with what to expect here and other things. Do you thinks she goes over there for wild adventures?" Evie slightly lies for Bella.

"That's why she goes over there? For Dizzy?"

"Yes, Mal." Evie laughs, "She always comes back to tell me what they did the whole day."

"Oh, so where the heck is she right now?" Mal huffs as Bella walks through Evie's door. "There you are! Where have you been?"

"Out in the woods to read and get away from everyone. Mostly you, Ben, and then Audrey." Bella tells her, "You guys banned me from the Isle and she bugs me about you and Ben. So sorry I wanted some peace." Bella walks past going to the kitchen.

"Give her some space, Mal." Evie pats her back so Mal leaves.

"I can't believe they banned me from the Isle. I promised Dizzy she could do my hair tomorrow and now I can't let her know why I'm not showing up." Bella slams her hands down in the counter.

"Just breathe, B." Evie walks over to rub her shoulders, "Dizzy will understand and the boys probably will too. Also don't worry, I lied saying you only see Dizzy over there. I got your back still." Evie smiles resting her head on Bella's shoulders.

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