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"Alright." Minho sighed after Newt left the room to find Teresa and Thomas. "Hopefully these gents are worth something."

"Gents?" I frowned. "As in-."

He nodded. "Gentlemen, yep."

Alby sighed from the corner of the cleaning room. "And it's already annoying me."

Five minutes of waiting followed. It almost felt like hours, but then Newt's voice came from outside the door before it opened.

"What's up, gents?" Minho greeted. It took me everything not to laugh.

"Would you stop saying gents?" Alby said. "It's not funny and it's gettin' on my nerves."

Minho completely ignored him and got up. With a huge smile on his face, he walked over to the boy I assumed was Thomas and hugged him firmly. Teresa followed.

Thomas was about the same height as Minho. Newt was taller. He had brown hair that hung over his forehead and almost ears. Multiple moles covered his skin. His brown, deep eyes inspected us all. His nose was small and the top of it curved up, forming a— in my opinion— cute look.

Teresa was just as tall as Thomas. She had brown, almost black hair, tied up into a high ponytail. Her face was slim on the sides. Freckles were placed on her nose and a few on her cheeks.

"You two seemed cooler than I thought." Minho took a step back. "I was expecting a couple of greasy-haired bucktoothed weirdos quoting Shakespeare and writing out math problems on your hands. You actually look half normal!"

"Thanks?" Thomas peeped.

Alby stepped forward, pushing Minhos to the side. "I'm Alby. Good to meet you guys. Minho actually for once has a good point. With all the rumors about your highfalutin folks, we didn't know what to expect. And that's why we brought you here today. To check you out. It's nice to see you're not too bad, by the looks of it."

"Thanks?" Now Teresa said it. It caused everyone to laugh slightly.

Frypan stepped forward too. "I'm Frypan. Call me Fry. And yes, it's my name." He chuckled at himself and shook their hands.

"You gonna introduce yourself?" Minho whispered. I nodded fast and jumped up. Meeting new people had never been my favorite thing, so I was quite nervous.

"I'm Lenora." I tried my best to put on a smile. "Just call me... whatever."

"But not Lee," Newt added.

Thomas, whose resting face was very confused, raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because, that nickname is claimed," Minho explained sternly.

"Okay." He almost stammered. "So, uh, how long have you guys been sneaking out like this? It's obviously not the first time."

"Nope," Alby replied. "It got boring to follow all their rules, and doing everything they tell us. And yeah, they might actually come out and tell us to stop, but as long as they won't, we ain't stoppin'. Am I right?"

Minho whooped a cheer and Fry and Newt gave him thumbs up. I encouraged with a nod.

"What are all these rumors about us that you guys keep bringing up?" Teresa asked. "And why are we isolated from you? It's like you five have known each other for years. Thomas and I just met."

Newt stood by a wall and answered her question. "Honestly, we don't know what's different between you and those other two, Aris and Rachel, right? The rest of us have been sharing a cafeteria, going to the same classes, and all that for almost four years. Way I see it, you're either way smarter or way dumber than us."

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