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They pushed me into my room, which was boring as hell and nothing compared to the tent Minho and I had in the Safe Haven.

There was a bed with a small nightstand next to it. The walls were plain grey and the sheets of the bed dark blue. That was it. No one else slept in the same room as me, making me feel only lonelier. I was used to sleep close to a lot of people.

Yet the aching pain of the torture from earlier still gave my body shooks now and then, but it didn't stop me from trying to escape, though.

The door was from steel, which made it impossible for me to open it, until someone else did from outside. For a split second, I thought, or hoped, it was Minho, but it was a nurse, of course.

"Hey, honey." She greeted, planting a smile on her face. All fake, I thought. Her dark hair was short buzzed and she looked quite young to be a nurse, but her face was kind. Kind enough for me to go along. "Do you want to take a shower?"

With A7? Yes.
"As long as the water won't electrocute or torture me." I snapped angrily.

I knew no one working for WICKED was good- never mind, I worked for WICKED, but by now Minho finally convinced me I might've not been that bad.

She laughed out loud, annoying the hell out of me. Laughing was the least thing I wanted to do at that point. "Just a regular shower. Don't worry. Wanna come with me?"

"No, with A7." I blurted out before slamming my hand on my mouth. "I- uhm.. I mean, yeah. I'll follow u."

She laughed again, then lead me to a shower. It was just a small cabin with white walls and a small shower, covered with a curtain. Next to the curtain was a sink and mirror. That was it.

"I'm sorry, they commanded me to wait outside the cabin, so-."

"Did you want to get in the cabin then?" I cut her off.

"No, no, no." She quickly said, making me smirk lightly. "I mean otherwise I would've waited outside, but they told me to wait here in case-."

"I would try to escape? Yeah." I turned on the shower and hid behind to shower cabin, pretending to remove my clothes. But I actually was trying to escape.

Soon I started to work on the plan I had made in my head in three seconds, so I pretended to cry very loud as the shower kept running.

"Honey, are you all right?" The nurse questioned from outside.

I sniffed long and deep, breaking my sentence in the middle on purpose. "I-I just need..." Another sniff. "Some alone t-time, p-please."

She hesitated for a few seconds, then replied, "Of course, sweetie."
To my surprise, she left the room quicker and easier than I expected.

Right after she did, I jumped out of the cabin and searched for at least something to defend myself with, but there was nothing. Sighing, I decided to just run, so I did.

The door got slammed open by me, almost into the nurse's face. She let out a yelp, but was too late; I went for the sprint.

"Minho!" I yelled through the white hallways. Escaping from the building wasn't on my mind. All I wanted was to see my boyfriend. "Minho?"

Guards were already starting to notice me, so I had to hurry. "Minho!" I screamed, hoping so badly to find him.

Other screams from my right caught my attention, but I had to keep running... until my name got screamed. "Lena!"

Minho. It was him, I was sure.

"Minho!" I cried out. Immediately I followed the noises of people being thrown onto the ground and glass breaking.

"Watch out!" A guard got tackled right in front of me. And there he was, alive and well, hair even styled.

Breathing heavily, Minho looked up at me. "Lena." He went in for the hug and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him too, tighter than ever. His familiar smell filled my nose and I never knew how much I could missed that.

"You two!"

"Shit!" Minho took my arm and started running. He was definitely faster than me, but slowed down a bit, making my heart melt. "In here!"

We slid through a steel door. Minho slammed it closed, turning at least three locks as I inspected the room.

It was a regular operation room. All sorts of tools were stocked and one white bed stood in the middle. No other doors were in the room.

"Oh my god." Minho breathed before he embraced me into another hug. I almost started crying. He cupped my face, connecting our lips together. "I thought I'd never see you again." He whispered before kissing me again.

I gladly kissed back, giving one more hug after. And god, how I missed that all. Just seeing his handsome face made me happy.

"Is this real though?" Minho looked me right in the eyes with his beautiful ones.

"I may hope it is." I replied. "Why wouldn't it be?"

He sighed and lead both of us onto the bed, carefully sitting on it. "I just... I have a hard time seeing what's real or not."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How?"

He rubbed his temples and exhaled deeply again. "I don't know... my memories keep getting weird and blurry."

Worry increased my face. "Are you forgetting things?"

"No, no." Minho shook his head, seeming quite frustrated. "It's more like... things changing. Colors change or sometimes just the whole situation."

I lay my head on his shoulder. "Sucks, doesn't it?"

"But I'm alive." He chuckled fast. "What do they do to you?"

"Take lots of blood, insert syringes that hurt like hell, and let me have memories." I explained.

"Real memories?" Minho raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." I frowned a bit. "Why wouldn't they be real?"

Minho bit his lip, not knowing what to say for a second. "It's just.. I think I get wrong memories."

In a pity, I looked at him. "Like what?"

"Did you let a bomb go off in the Safe Haven?"

"No, that was Thomas." I realized out loud.

Minho buried his head in his hands and shook it again. "It's so confusing."

"Hey." I rubbed his back. "We'll get out... somehow."

He ran a hand through his hair. "They're planning something too. The way they act, tense, and hide stuff is just... weird."

"Well, at least we get food and a bed." I mumbled. "Better than nothing."

"Only that steak makes things a little better." Minho commented. "But can't we beg them to get together more often?" He then suggested, but we both knew that wasn't possible. And we hated it.

"They won't let us." I looked around in the room. "Are we gonna stay here forever?"

Someone roughly banged against the door, screaming for us to get out.

"Guess not." Minho mumbled. "I would've wished, though. But we'll see each other again, all right? Just don't give up hopes, princess. We'll meet again soon, okay?"

I nodded, fully convinced we would, just not in what circumstances. "I love you, Min."

"I love you too, Lee."

One more time our lips connected before guards flew into the room and roughly took us with away from each other.


A/N: Someone better give me tips on how to write better;
greater words to use so it doesn't get repeatable and stuff like that. 💓

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