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Harry is not sure what to do, he knows that he loves Louis, but he also wanted Louis to share that feeling.

And yesterday? Yesterday didn't help. It looked like their bond was
getting closer almost everyday , but he still felt guilty about what and how it went yesterday.

Louis might have forgiven him, but he wants to do something for
the boy to show him how much he means to him and than maybe...

Maybe he's going to talk about how he feels and hope Louis shares
those feelings.

He sighs and looks next to him to see where the kitten is still sleeping, soft snores leaving his mouth every once in a while, it's really an adorable sight, Harry would love to have this view every day...

After a while he gets up and decides to take a hot shower to clear his head. Once he's done he picks out an outfit and combs his hair, brushes his teeth, and makes his way downstairs, planning to make breakfast for him and Louis.

He decides to tackle it big and pulls out all sorts of things. Butter, eggs, you name it. He decides to make a new recipe with toast, croissants and hot chocolate to top it off.

After half an hour the kitchen is filthy and a hot mess (just like himself *winks*) but Harry is finally ready. He puts everything on a tray and takes it upstairs.

He quietly opens the door to their shared bedroom and smiles when he sees the sleeping boy.

He puts down the tray and gently shakes Louis' shoulder.

"Loubear, wake up honey." Louis turns around. "5 more minutes." Harry chuckles, oh the boy was just as cranky in the morning like he was.

He gets an idea.

He hovers over Louis and takes a moment to adore his precious facial features. He then grins as he gently brushes his lips against Louis his.

Louis' eyes open immediately and he smiles. "Hazzie! What are you doing?"

Harry shrugs, a smirk on his face as he simply plays dumb. "Wanted you to wake up, I missed you and you bouncing when you walk, energetic energy and made us some breakfast so," he
points to the tray on the bedside table.

Louis licks his lips. "Ooh yummy! Me want, please?" Harry nods and hands him a plate, kissing his temple as Louis blushes slightly, his cheeks pink.

Together they eat breakfast in bed and chat. "What do you want to do today kitten?" Harry asks after a while.

Louis takes a sip of his drink. "I don't know, what does Hazzie want to do?" Harry pauses, "shall we go to the park? I'll push you on the swing again and we can swing together and there might be a slide even as well! For tonight I have a surprise."

Louis' eyes go wide. "Surprise? For me?" Harry nods and Louis claps his hands enthusiastically. "yay! Tell Louis? Louis loves!"

Harry shakes his head. "Then it wouldn't be a surprise, hm?" Louis pouts and Harry can't resist not giving him a kiss, first looking at him as kind of asking him for permission and to see what the boy's reaction to it is. Louis is startled but then starts
to blush, which makes Harry smile again.

"Louis likes Hazzie's kissies," says Louis, happily leaning his head against the headboard of the back.

"Oh yea? Well I like to kiss you too," Harry says and puts an arm around Louis' shoulders. '"I'll wash the dishes while you get ready, yes? Next time I wash and you can dry, know you like helping me, even though it almost ends up in a messy place and laughter and your precious giggles." Harry laughs, boops Louis's nose and Louis giggles, nods and jumps out of bed, heading to the bathroom.

Harry watches as Louis leaves, the boy is so cute, Harry has never seen such a handsome boy. Not only is Louis handsome, in Harry's eyes he is so much more, words cannot even describe it, but neither is necessary. He would make sure Louis knows, he will tell him over and over again until he would get irritated, which would never happen anyway, Harry knows Louis too well.

He goes downstairs and sighs when he sees the messy kitchen. He starts cleaning up and also washes the dirty dishes from yesterday
and this morning.

He is just putting the plates away when he suddenly feels two arms around his waist. He turns and looks straight into Louis' bright blue eyes. "Hi Hazzie!"

Louis looks beautiful. He wears ripped, black jeans and a oversized hoodie that actually belongs to Harry, but he always grabs them from the closet anyway, Harry doesn't mind, he likes that Louis wants to wear his clothes, his own scent and cologne lingering around the boy as he wears his clothes.

Underneath he wears his favorite shoes, red vans which completes the outfit. His hair is styled into a quiff, something else than his normal fringe, both suit him well.

"You look gorgeous, darling," says Harry and Louis avoids his gaze, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink for like the 100th time today.

Harry lifts him up. "Don't look away, I like to see your pretty face."

This makes Louis blush even more and he nods. "Okay, thanks Hazzie!"

He puts him down on his small feet and Louis makes his way to the living room.

Harry smiles after him and sighs, he is so happy with the boy and can't wait for their fun, happy night out...


Hiya! And here we are, the part where we originally after this chapter discontinued the story.

But I'm going to write more soon! So the goal is to complete the story.

Didn't really heard from my friend and the person with who I collaborated this story with.... send her some about my ideas for the next chapters and thoughts but didn't recieve a reply... hope you're alright, love!

Well I think I'm going to write a next chapter soon and just see from there on!

All the love!


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