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Everything comes to an end, (well almost), including the trip to LA.

Harry loved it and so did Louis, but they are happy to go home. Louis missed Zayn quite a bit and Harry doesn't mind seeing his best friends again either.

"Louis honey you have everything?" Harry turns around and starts to laugh. "Yes Hazzie, I just can't find my blue boxers." Louis is pouting, making Harry coo and laugh a little harder at the sight.

"Oh you can't find your boxer, huh?" Harry looks at Louis' head where the blue boxer magically ended up.

"Hazzie, don't laugh! Why Hazzie laughing?" Louis smiles, quite happy seeing Harry smiling like that but not knowing why.

Harry points to Louis' head "honey, the boxer is on your head, don't know how you did that, though."

Louis places his hands on his head and takes the boxer off. "How did boxer get there?"

Harry shakes his head still smiling. "I don't know, but what I do know is we're about to fly so get ready!" He excitedly says, regretting not snapping a picture of the sight.


An hour later they are on the plane, Louis at the side of the window.

Harry is answering some emails on his phone and Louis is watching movies and playing games on Harry's iPad.

Suddenly, he sees two people in the video kissing and he looks at Harry

"Hazzie?" Harry looks up from his phone "yes sweetie?" Louis blushes hearing the nickname. "Louis sees this, Louis do this with Hazzie too?"

Harry looks at the iPad and runs a hand through his hair, looking at him fondly. "Oh we did that a few days ago, huh? Did you like that?" Louis blushes and turns to Harry. "Again?"

Harry puts the phone and iPad away and takes Louis' head into his hands. "You're so beautiful." Louis' cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Hazzie cute."

Harry sighs fakely. "Thanks bub, but I'm not cute, I'm manly!" Louis chuckles and pecks Harry's cheek. "Hazzie cute and manly!" Harry leans forward, almost touching Louis' lips with his own. "Let me show you how manly I can be," he says and Louis swallows. "O-okay."

It was a great (for lou his second) plane trip, being together and enjoying each others presence.


A few hours later they are back home. "Home sweet home," says Harry as he gives the maids his and Louis' suitcases.

"Mr. Styles would you like us to unpack these?" Harry nods. "And let someone make us some dinner please, I'm starving," the maid nods and walks down the hall.

Harry goes to the car where Louis is playing games. "Are you coming Louis?" Louis looks up, his eyes shining bright, beaming. "Finish first game, please?" Harry gets an idea and smirks.

He walks to the car, opens the door and throws Louis over his shoulder.

"Nope, not today!"

Louis giggles. "Hazzie! Put me down!" Harry walks back to the house.

"Nah, don't feel like it, same old shit." They both laugh, even more when Louis says 'but a different day, straight up to a new hotel!' Some lyrics of a song Niall was writing so that he and Harry could sing it and play guitar, their lovers and kittens watching front row seats.

Once inside Harry puts Louis down in the couch. "We need to talk Lou." Louis' eyes widen instantly, when someone say that it never means anything good, right?

Harry sees the worry on Louis' face. "Don't worry honey, it's something good." Louis sighs in relief and Harry sits down next to him.

"I was reading a bit and I thought it would be nice idea to buy a pet, maybe you will learn even more that way than you already do, and it would be a great thing in general I think."

Louis thinks. "What kind of pet?" Harry scratches his chin. "What kind of pets do you like?"

"Every pet! All deserve good home, just like lou-lou!"

Suddenly Louis gets up and takes the iPad. "Puppy, look!" Harry looks at the drawing of a puppy that Louis made in the car on the way home.

"Alright, so you want a dog?"

Louis nods "yes please, have a name for puppy! And maybe other time kitty like lou, zaynie and me play with kitty and with puppy!" Harry smiles. "Oh yea? Tell me the name for a puppy, you got some big, good ideas and thoughts in that pretty lil head of yours."


Of course

Harry stares at him but then smiles, if Louis likes the name, why not?

"Then it's settled, shall we get Bubbles tomorrow?" Louis jumps off the couch, running into the kitchen. "Yay!"

Harry smiles, he really loves this boy...


The next day, Louis wakes up early and is dressed and back in their bedroom.

"Hazzie! We're going to pick up Bubbles!" Harry groans and presses his face into the pillow, taking in Louis's scent. "5 more minutes." Louis crosses his arms and then gets an idea.

He smirks as he malkes his way to the bed and once there he flips his body on Harry's back.

"Oof, was that necessary Louis?" laughs Harry and Louis nods.

"Yea, let's go get Bubbles!"

Harry sighs, shrugs but smiles and gets out of bed, he won't get any more sleep for now anyways... nap time maybe giving more opportunities to.


Two more chapters 'till 15!

Somehow every time I edit this or read the like spaces between the first couple of parts are far away, my apologies but can't really change it it seems?

Spaces between us, keep getting deeper... it's harder to reach ya, even know I've tried..

Spaces between us, hold all our secrets, leaving us speechless and I don't know why... -1D 'spaces', from our 5 lovely boys

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