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We were in Charlie's shiny black car that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I was in the backseat next to the red emo while Charlie and Timothy sat in the front.

Even while driving, that fucking giant couldn't stop touching T. He had his excessively ringed fingers clasped around Timothy's thigh. The shamelessness of it. I was so angry I could fucking shoot him.

"So I'm guessing you don't usually hang out with people like us." The girl... Allie said.

"And by people like you, you mean... freaks."

"You really need to stop thinking in boxes. We're not that weird."

"Yeah, we are." Charlie tuned in. "Too weird for a normie like him, anyway."

"At least you're self-aware. I mean, even this car," I pointed to the skull pattern covering the seats. "Come on."

"But besides that. Behind all the hair dye and makeup we're just like everyone else. We're just not giving in to what people think we should look like."

"And you listen to metal and picnic at graves."

"That's goths."


"What's so wrong with being 'normal' anyway? Why do you have to be so try-hard." I crossed my arms.

"I personally don't believe anyone is 'normal'. I think our society just creates a standard and everyone is scared to deviate from it. But on the inside we're all different. We're all a little weird."

When I thought about it, I kind of felt like she had a point. There were things about me that were unlike anyone else. Things I was embarrassed about so I hid them. But still, at least I tried to blend in. These freaks were actively trying not to and something about that pissed me off.

"Yeah, unless you're a basic, average, good for nothing like the quarterback over there." Charlie said.

I kicked his seat with uncontrolled force.

"Hey! You watch it!" Charlie raged.

"Calm down!" Allie cooed.

"That's my car, alright?!"

"Aww, did I hurt your feelings?" I mocked.

"Fuck you." Charlie said.

"You wish."

We pulled up at the skate park shortly after. It was cold out and the wind was blowing lightly. The day was gloomy and the sun had disappeared.

The group of weirdos met with an even bigger group of weirdos by a bench. There were about twenty more freaks here. There was a range of people, skin tones, hairstyles, colors or lack thereof. Most people were wearing black.

Allie lit a cigarette and went to talk to some other primary color-haired friend.

T and his boyfriend were in each other's arms talking to some friends. Charlie was drinking beer from the six pack on the table. T was just listening to everyone. He looked much, much happier now. I wondered what it was about being with these people that put him so at ease.

When he was with me he almost looked depressed. Why? All I did was tease a little. I sat somewhere at the back at a different table. I watched Tim and his boyfriend make out again. I couldn't watch for long before I got angry again.

I picked up my phone and thought about calling Jennifer.


I looked up into Allie's kind eyes as she handed me a beer.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now