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My phone began to ring. As if someone had caught me I moved away from the wall. I looked at the screen.


"There he is now." I smirked and picked up.

Timothy looked terrified.

"Hey there, Joe." I kept my eyes on Timothy.

"Hey, kid. How's it going?"

"Oh great. T and I just went for a little walk.. But somehow he ended up in a car.."

Timothy watched me anxiously.

"Ah, yes. It is very cold out today." Joe laughed.

I had no intention of telling Joe anything but just fucking with Timothy made me feel a little better.

"Yes, it is. At least Timothy was warm. Very much so, actually."

"R-right.. You sound a little on edge, are you sure everything's fine? I'll be home in a second if-"

"No, we're doing great. It's just a little chilly."

"Can I speak to Timmy for a moment?"


I pushed the phone into Timothy's hand a little harder than I had to.

"H-hey dad." Timothy seemed slightly relieved but I could still see the tension in his shoulders.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Hm-hm.." His voice was so clear, gentle... How could he? Why? How? I couldn't see it. I just couldn't see it with him. Not him.

"Yes, I did." T kicked a pebble. "Well, if you'd hang up we could go home and eat dinner." He walked around. "Okay. Love you too. Bye." He hung up and cautiously met my eyes.

He fiddled with the phone. "Thanks for not saying anything."

"Yeah, well. I don't want him to blame me for you losing your V to a giant." I snatched the phone from his hand and started towards the way.

"So go on. Tell me."

"About what?" Timothy asked.

"What it was like.. To have his dick up your ass." The words alone almost made me sick but even the uneasiness couldn't hide the interest.. the curiosity I felt.

"You're gonna make me talk about it?"

"Yes. As punishment."

"Punishment for having sex or for having sex with a guy?"


"You have sex, right? What's the big deal when I do it?"

"That's different and we're not gonna discuss that. Just talk. Was it good? Better than your unicorn dick? Must've been pretty warm, right? And, hey, at least you're not gonna be stuck with a bunch of golden hairs in your ass after, so that's a plus."

To my surprise I heard a small giggle beside me. I had to check to make sure but Timothy was smirking.

"What?" I couldn't control my stupid face. When he laughed, I started to smile. I covered my mouth and pretended to cough.

"That is the worst part. The glitter and the hair. Gets everywhere." He said with a straight face.

"Wait- for real? Isn't that like a safety hazard or something?"

T began to laugh again.

I gave him a soft push. "You suck."

I made sure not to look at him so he couldn't see me smile.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now