23 | smooth sailing

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The doorbell rings at 7pm on the dot. It goes without saying that I'm humming with nerves, but I feel ready. I've rested and replenished my achy body, I've cleared everything up with Nate, and now it's time to get back on track with Matt.

He's my plan, and last night was a mere wrinkle in that plan. From here on out it's going to be smooth sailing.

I race downstairs to get to the door before anyone else can. Mom specifically made sure to leave the restaurant early so she could be here to meet Matt, but I want us to get out of here as fast as possible. I suck in a breath and smooth my dress down. He didn't tell me where we were going, so I figured a blue sundress is pretty neutral for whatever he has planned.

Just as I reach for the handle, I'm bumped aside and Rob swings open the door.

"Matthew! Welcome." He snatches the bouquet of red roses from him. "Damn, what a gentleman you've got here, Lia."

"I'm surprised you can identify one." I take the flowers and nudge Rob away, giving Matt an apologetic look. "Thank you, these are beautiful."

He smiles. "I wanted to get you peonies since they're your favorite, but apparently they're out of season."

"How do you know those are my favorite?"

"You mentioned it a while back."

"I did? I can't even remember that." Either he has a killer memory or he had to wade through the many, many texts we've sent to dig up that tidbit.

"Thoughtful and attentive," Rob chirps. "That's some golden boyfriend material right there, huh?"

I'm about to shoo him away when Mom and Derek swoop into the room. Matt's introducing himself, and I'm just praying my mom doesn't whip out her phone and start taking photos like this is prom or something.

But instead she takes the flowers from me. "I'll put these in water for you, farfallina. We don't want to keep you two here all night, go and have fun!"

We're almost out the door when Matt turns back. "Is there a curfew time Lia needs to be back by, Mrs. DeMarco?"

"Oh." Mom's lips purse, and she glances at Derek. I've never had a set curfew since my social life has pretty much been dead until now. "Ten?"

I nod, even though I feel like challenging a renegotiation. Rob's curfew is eleven on the weekends. As if he even follows curfew anyway. Technically he does sometimes, but only so he can show Mom how responsible he is before he sneaks back out once she's gone to bed.

We're walking down the pathway, and I'm positive I hear the snapping sound of a phone camera before the door closes.

"I can't tell how that went," Matt says. "Do you think they liked me?"

"Of course they did. Have you ever met anyone who didn't like you?"

"Your brother comes to mind."

My nose scrunches. "He just likes pushing buttons to get reactions. I'll try make him ease up, but he's kind of relentless."

Matt chuckles, stopping to hold my wrist as we get to his car. "You look really pretty, by the way."

"Thanks, so do you." My face starts prickling. "I mean, you know what I mean. Not pretty, but you look good. You're good-looking. Handsome, really. I—"

His lips are suddenly on mine, stifling me with a soft kiss. I'm frozen until I remember how to move my mouth, and I kiss him back slowly, closing my eyes and seeing shooting stars and ultraviolet supernovas burning in the darkness. His fingers settle behind my neck and draw me closer, making me shiver. But then it's over, and I feel lightheaded.

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