chapter 6

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It has been a week murtasim had conversation with his father regarding his wish of marrying meerab, he also made it clear, that before his public appearance as his father's political hier, he will get married..

On the other hand Maa begum was very angry on murtasim for not thinking about his dead brother, and this would look so inappropriate to get them married within a month of his death , though In a closed ceremony, she was also angry with meerab who didn't mourn for her late husband..

When Maa begun confronted murtasim for this he clearly said, after what Anas bhai has done  to meerab , he himself would have  killed  him  till now if he was alive....


After convincing a lot for meerab's sake  , finally murtasim agreed to marry meerab after 3 months , and in this duration he made sure to heal her and bring herself back to life, meerab  was informed about anas being dead after 15 days of his death, she didn't cry for her molester and abuser, but she felt bad for Maa begum and his uncle to loose young son..

Meantime she came to know about murtasim wish to marry her from maa begum, which was to be kept secret , but now meerab didn't want to marry anyone, Firstly she lost her faith in marriage and Secondly as she thinks , murtasim is doing this sacrifice to marry her  for maintaining family values in society and to regain his family reputation in politics , thirdly now she dont want to be pawn in the name of marriage ...

Whenever she will meet him, she will explain him , he need not to do this, he is having a beautiful future ahead and she is a tainted girl...

Time was passing by and murtasim also got busy with his new political career ..

Politics for murtasim was just an excuse to find answers for all unsolved questions , he investigated many things personally and was shocked to find truth behind murder of anas...

As he was moving towards truth, it was clear no political rivalry existed, his own family is behind all this , and he couldn't disclose it soon to maintain integrity of family as he knew this was reaction of action what anas did, he was still in search of answers of many questions,  one thing he understood that meerab involved in all this because of him, and he has to find complete truth because culprit was still in family..

Now the day has come when meerab was free from her late husband's grief period...

It seemed besides Maa begum no one bothered about anas , everyone just forgot him, but a mother can never forget, she was still in grief of her son..

Murtasim wanted to meet meerab alone once , before taking next step of their relationship...

This is going to be their first sane confrontation after nearly 7 and half years , and he was well aware that she is having a lot of misconception about him, which was feeded by people around her, she was a kid , she easily believed everyone and as he was not there with her to clear her all misunderstanding, but now by hook or crook he needs to convince her to get married, after that he will have ample of time to convince her about his love ...

Meerab simply nodded , when his mother asked her to meet murtasim in outside garden, she had no option and she knew she have to confront him, although rohail was very upset, with all this happenings, he want to protect her innocent sister fron shahnawaz family and their political world ,he wants her to get settled with Naurez, but things are not in his hands...

Evening time..

As per decided, meerab will meet murtasim once before marriage,  so he was waiting for her, decently dressed in formal white shirt and black pant...

Meerab arrived in garden with Saba, in her light pink salwar suit, with chunni covering her head, Saba left her at a distance,  she was alone and moving towards murtasim,  she could not dare to look at him but also knew he was constantly looking at her...

When she came close to him , he offered her chair and asked her to sit, she sat quietly without looking at him...

Murtasim could not take his eyes from her, she has grown up from a teenage girl to a woman, a very beautiful woman...

Meerab cleared her throat in order to gain his attention...

Murtasim: How are you meerab.?

Meerab : alive....

Murtasim: I know their is lot to clear from my side, I need to make you understand many things , I need to make you believe abo....

He could not complete his sentence and meerab interrupted..


Murtasim stood up shocked at his place...

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