chapter 3

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Maa begum was afraid of murtasim meeting with meerab in this condition,  she knew murtasim will never forget his dead brother to do all this with meerab, but she was also aware that they can't hide truth for long, if he wants to sympathise her be it like that, more than that he cannot have any relation with meerab.. she asked nadia and anila to follow murtasim as meerab can react inappropriately seeing him, at present it was impossible to stop him to meet meerab..

After murtasim went, marium came with tea..

Shahnawaz: marium please control your emotions and remember that though you are shahnawaz khan's daughter but any mistake and you will be punished severely... ( he took a sip of tea ) by the way you made a nice tea..

Other side...

Murtasim wanted to deal with everything calmly  at present he is confused with many things, Firstly how to get his meerab back, he doesn't care if she was married to  someone,  Secondly dealing with his father to join politics , thirdly the political rivalry which is threat to his family...

For now he was desperate to see meerab, meet her, hug her, console her that he is always with her and whatever happened at his back doesn't matters to him ,she will always remain his meerab...

He knocked the door of room where meerab was resting with Saba and Haya.., he asked saba to bring meerab in lounge outside the room as he wants to meet her, initially Saba denied as meerab can't meet any male beside her father and brother, but to whom she was denying murtasim khan who himself doesn't believe in all these...

With slow steps meerab came out of room and as soon she was approaching towards murtasim, with her every step shock was evident on his face, he couldn't believe she was beaten , bruises near her lips and eyes were visible and her forehead was also injured, may be this was the reason that she was not allowed to come with family in hall , so that truth of there so called reputation doesn't come out...

Who did this to her he asked her nadia chachi..

Nadia : anas... but this is nothing , we have seen much more...

Murtasim : what...

As meerab came towards them, nadia supported her and made her sit on nearest sofa..

Nadia: how are you my child..?

Meerab was very afraid, lost her all confidence, she was not aware about presence of murtasim, she was constantly looking at ground, she was silent, which hurt murtasim a lot, he saw her after seven years , though he came home many times for some official work in first four years but never met anyone besides his parents and uncles, as his visit was short, and also elders of the family promised him to marry meerab but on condition, that he will not keep any contact with her so that no one can judge their relation, but believing them was biggest mistake of his life,  he should have been in touch with meerab so that she could have shared her miseries with him and he might have saved her ...

Anila couldn't control her sob seeing her daughter in such state, she couldn't believe that the girl who was so enthusiastic and happy in her life  has become a dead soul in a year, what has she done as a mother, how bad mother she is, who couldn't protect her daughter being at same place..

Murtasim gathered himself and voiced her name softly..


Hia voice startled meerab,,  she looked towards him and immediately hugged him, as if she found her safe place, murtasim couldn't balance himself took support of sofa and consoled her slightly by patting her head, she was crying loudly on his chest and muttering " where were you, you said to me 7 years back that whenever I will be in problem i have to just remember you in my heart and you will come to me , I have called you so many times , but you never came, he forcefully married me, he has beaten me everywhere, why you not came.."
And suddenly she got angry, seperated herself from him and slapped him..

Anila:( shouted ) meerab.. what are you doing .., control yourself ..

Anila and nadia holded her , murtasim was shocked, will be an understatement,  he could not believe what has she gone through at her back..

Suddenly someone slapped meerab and that voice brought murtasim again in his senses...

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