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"Can I say my piece?" Thea said after a while.

"Are you really asking for permission?" 

"No, but still, it's polite to ask."

I held out my hand and encouraged her to go on.

"Well, I think, you hate her because of Dee..."

"Why am I not surprised?" I interrupted her as I leaned my back on my chair.

"Fine, you don't want to hear it." She stood up and straightened her skirt.

"Because it was not like that, Althea, I swear. You and the others might think that I have feelings for Dee, but I don't. I mean, I love her obviously, she's been my friend for how many years now, and we've been through a lot. I guess, I just, I don't want her to end up with someone that is bad news, you know..."

"... She is too good for that girl, and I know that she knows that. Why the hell she was still entertaining her, I have no idea." I continued.

"Uh-humm..." Thea approached my door and about to open it, she turned her face to look at me again.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Tine." And she was gone.

I shook my head repeatedly.

Thea is wrong, as well as the others. I love Dee as a friend, nothing else, nothing more.

The day ended and I had not seen even the shadow of Deena, it bothered me but I tried to ignore it.

It bothers me because mainly, I am used to her jolly presence in my office every day. We fell into a routine where she was the one bringing me my coffee in the morning, after lunch, and late afternoon. 

And today, I didn't have a single caffeine in my system that's why I was feeling irritated the whole day.

It's not like, I don't know how to make myself a coffee, but the one Deena was bringing me was sooo good. She makes such good coffee and I miss it.

Is it really just the coffee you miss?

I shook my head repeatedly for that thought to fall off my head.

Of course, I miss her too, she's in my everyday life and today she was not.

And because of that slut!

I gathered my things, ready to leave this place.

When I opened my door, I noticed Dee's office's light was still on.

Is she still here?

To make sure, I pressed my ear gently against her door so as not to make any noise.

She's still inside and talking to somebody else, though I don't hear other voices aside from hers.

My insides debated as to whether to go inside or not, after the embarrassing moment earlier, I felt like I didn't have a face to show her.

But with the curiosity eating me, I opened her door and didn't even bother to knock.

The back of her swivel chair was facing me.

She was on the phone and she didn't even notice yet that I had come in.

"I cannot make promises, Sab, but I will try. Really."

Really? Even after office hours?

I was about to turn and just go on my way when I heard her chair turn.

Our gaze met, she held one finger to let me know she was about to be done.

"Yes, yes. I have to go, I will call you later, bye." She finishes the call.

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