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"You cannot say no to her, can you?" I can't help but ask as soon as we were out of the conference room.

"What made you say that?"

"Ever since college, Dee, whenever she would ask you for something, you'd always go. You would even leave me if it was her who was asking." We were walking in the corridor heading to the elevator.

"What? That's insane. Really?" Dee looked at me in disbelief.

"Did you sleep with her?" She was taken aback by my sudden question. I even think color left her face when she heard me ask it.

"Wh- What? Wh- Why would you... Why would you think that?" Her uneasiness was giving her away.

The thing with Deena, she cannot lie. Never good at it.

"Dee!" And whenever my voice would rise, she'd be disconcerted.



"A.. A little bit..."

"Deena Myers!!!"

"Yes, yes, I did, okay! But just once. I was brokenhearted that night!"

I felt something flicker inside my chest with her admission.

"Was that your excuse?" I could feel the pressure going up my head and I'm starting to get mad.

"It's true. That was the night you told me you were dating that guy... what was his name? Sherwin? Man, what kind of name was that? Sherwin... Anyway, it was Dawson's party, I went ahead of you and got drunk, Sab was there and we were in that room and she started kissing me, I was drunk, what was I supposed to do?" We went inside the elevator and pressed our floor.

"Umm, I don't know, puke on her?" I told her sarcastically.


"There's a ton I could think of what you could've done aside from sleeping with her, Dee! A ton!" I am fuming with anger now with this information.

I mean, what did I expect?

No, why are you affected?

"Why it was bothering you this much, Tine? That was like a thousand years ago. And so what if I slept with her?"

"Well, your past followed you here! And I'm not bothered by you sleeping with her, hello! I just... I hated that girl and you are very much aware of that, and you went on and slept with her!" We reached our floor, Dee held on to what she was about to say till we were inside my office to not be heard by both our teams.

"I didn't mean to sleep with her, Tine. Believe me! When I realized it the next morning, I spoke with her and told her that it was a mistake and it shouldn't happen again, I swear!" She said as soon as my door is closed.

"Why should I believe you now, Dee?" I sat on my swivel chair while she stayed behind the door facing me.

"If you don't want to believe me, fine. I just don't get why you're so affected by the fact that I slept with Sabrina."

"I am not."

"Right, you might want to say it without your nose flaring."

Automatically, my hand reached up to my nose.

"It was not flaring! And I am not affected by it! Sleep with her again if you want, I don't give a flying fuck!" If blood is boiling, I guess, that's what I was feeling now.

"Oh, yeah? Watch me!" Deena stormed off my office and all I could do was throw some pens at the door.


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